: Hardware Security Module Status

Hardware Security Module Status

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End-of-Life (EoL)

Hardware Security Module Status

The Hardware Security Module Status includes the following information about HSMs that have been successfully authenticated. The display is different depending on the HSM provider configured (SafeNet or nCipher).
Hardware Security Module Status
SafeNet Network HSM
  • Serial Number
    —The serial number of the HSM partition is displayed if the HSM partition has successfully authenticated.
  • Partition
    —The partition name on the HSM that was assigned on the firewall.
  • Module State
    —The current operating state of the HSM connection. This field shows
    if the HSM is displayed in this table.
nCipher nShield Connect
  • Name
    —The Server name of the HSM.
  • IP address
    —The IP address of the HSM that was assigned on the firewall.
  • Module State
    —The current operating state of the HSM connection. This setting shows
    if the firewall successfully authenticated to the HSM and shows
    Not Authenticated
    if authentication failed.

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