: Syntax for Regular Expression Data Patterns

Syntax for Regular Expression Data Patterns

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Syntax for Regular Expression Data Patterns

When you create a regular expression data pattern, the following general requirements apply:
  • The pattern must have a string of at least 7 bytes with fixed values. The 7 bytes cannot contain a period (
    ), an asterisk (
    ), a plus sign (
    ), or a range (
  • When you require that values be case-sensitive, define patterns for all possible strings to match all variations of a term. For example, to match any documents designated as confidential, you must create a pattern that includes “confidential,” “Confidential,” and “CONFIDENTIAL.”
The regular expression syntax in PAN-OS® is similar to traditional regular expression engines but every engine is unique. The following table describes the syntax supported in PAN-OS.
Pattern Rules Syntax
Match any single character.
Match the preceding character or expression 0 or 1 time. You must include the general expression inside parentheses.
Example: (abc)?
Match the preceding character or expression 0 or more times. You must include the general expression inside parentheses.
Example: (abc)*
Match the preceding character or regular expression one or more times. You must include the general expression inside parentheses.
Example: (abc)+
Specify one “or” another.
Example: ((bif)|(scr)|(exe)) matches “bif,” “scr,” or “exe.”
You must include alternative substrings in parentheses.
Specify a range.
Example: [c-z] matches any character between c and z inclusive.
[ ]
Match any specified character.
Example: [abz] matches any of the characters a, b, or z.
Match any character except those specified.
Example: [^abz] matches any character except a, b, or z.
{ }
Match a string that contains minimum and maximum.
Example: {10-20} matches any string that is between 10 and 20 bytes inclusive. You must specify this directly in front of a fixed string and you can use only hyphens (
Perform a literal match on any character above. You must precede the specified character with a backslash (
The ampersand (
) is a special character so, to look for
in a string, you must use
, instead.

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