: HTTP Header Insertion

HTTP Header Insertion

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HTTP Header Insertion

To enable the firewall to manage web application access by inserting HTTP headers and their values into HTTP requests, select
Security Profiles
URL Filtering
HTTP Header Insertion
The firewall supports header insertion for HTTP/1.x traffic only; the firewall does not support header insertion for HTTP/2 traffic.
You can create insertion entries based on a predefined HTTP header insertion type or you can create your own custom type. Header insertion is typically performed for custom HTTP headers but you can also insert standard HTTP headers.
Header insertion occurs when:
  1. An HTTP request matches a Security policy rule with one or more configured HTTP header insertion entries.
  2. A specified domain matches the domain found in the HTTP Host header.
  3. The action is anything other than
The firewall can perform HTTP header insertion only for the GET, POST, PUT, and HEAD methods.
If you enable HTTP header insertion and the identified header is missing from a request, the firewall inserts the header. If the identified header already exists in the request, then the firewall overwrites the header values with the values that you specify.
an insertion entry or select an existing insertion entry to modify it. When needed, you can also select an insertion entry and
The default block list action for a new HTTP header insertion entry is
. If you want a different action, go to URL Filtering Categories and select the appropriate action. Alternatively, add the insertion entry to a profile that is configured with the desired action.
HTTP Header Insertion Settings
for this HTTP header insertion entry.
of entry you want to create. Entries can be either predefined or custom. The firewall uses content updates to populate and maintain predefined entries.
If you want to include the username in the HTTP header, select
Dynamic Fields
Header insertion occurs when a domain in this list matches the Host header of the HTTP request.
If you are creating a predefined entry, the domain list is predefined in a content update. This is sufficient for most use cases but you can add or delete domains as needed.
If you want to create a custom entry,
at least one domain to this list.
Each domain name can be up to 256 characters and you can identify a maximum of 50 domains for each entry. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character, which matches any request to the specified domain (for example, *.etrade.com).
When you create a predefined entry, the Header list is pre-populated by a content update. This is sufficient for most use cases but you can add or delete headers as needed.
When you create a custom entry, add one or more headers (up to a total of five) to this list.
Header names can have up to 100 characters but cannot include spaces.
If you want to include the username in the HTTP header, select
then select the
, or
a new header.
Configure the
using a maximum of 512 characters. The header value varies depending on what information you want to include in the HTTP header for the specified domains. For example, manage user access to SaaS applications by selecting predefined types or by using custom entries.
To include the username in the HTTP header, select the domain and username format that the security appliance requires:
  • ($domain)\($user)
  • WinNT://($domain)/($user)
Alternatively, enter a custom format using the
dynamic tokens (for example,
The firewall populates the user and domain dynamic tokens using the primary username in the group mapping profile.
Use each
dynamic token only once per value.
to enable logging of this header insertion entry.

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