App Performance |
App | Name of the application specified by an
SD-WAN policy rule. |
SD-WAN Policies | Name of the SD-WAN policy rule(s) that matched
the app traffic matched. Multiple SD-WAN policy rules may be listed
if the app traffic matched multiple SD-WAN policies. |
SaaS Monitoring | Displays whether the app is a SaaS application
configured in a SaaS Quality profile that is associated with one
or more SD-WAN policy rules. Disabled—The
app is not a SaaS application configured in a SaaS Quality profile. Enabled—The app is a SaaS application
configured in a SaaS Quality profile and is associated with a single
SD-WAN policy. Multiple—The app is a SaaS application
configured in a SaaS Quality profile and is associated with a multiple
SaaS Quality profiles.
App Health | Indicates the app health based on available
links to swap to. Can be Impacted, Warning,
or OK. |
Error Correction Applied | Specifies the type of forward error correction
applied. If empty (blank), then no error correction was applied. |
Bytes | Total byte count of transfered data for
the application within the specified time frame. |
Error Correction Sessions/Impacted Sessions/Total Sessions | Number of error corrected sessions and impacted
sessions out of the total number of sessions within the specified
time frame. If the application is impacted, this helps indicate
how extensive the issue is. |
Link Tags | Name of the link tag(s) identifying the
physical link the app used during traffic distribution and failover. |
Link Performance |
Device | Name of the SD-WAN firewall containing the
interface that processed the link traffic. |
Link Tag | Name of the link tag identifying the physical
link the app used during traffic distribution. |
Link Type | The physical link type. |
Interface | Ethernet interface for the physical link. |
Link | Name of the link. |
Error Correction Applied | Specifies the type of forward error correction
applied. If empty (blank), then no error correction was applied. |
Link Notifications | When Impacted, click
to view the error message description for the degraded health status. |
Latency | Displays the latency health status of the
tunnel. Can be Impacted, Warning,
or OK. |
Jitter | Displays the jitter health status of the
tunnel. Can be Impacted, Warning,
or OK. |
Packet Loss | Displays the packet loss health status of
the tunnel. Can be Impacted, Warning,
or OK. |