Manage Explicit Proxy Mobile Users

Manage Explicit Proxy Mobile Users

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Manage Explicit Proxy Mobile Users

Manage Explicit Proxy Mobile Users and monitor their health and connections using Prisma Access.
For users to connect to Prisma Access using Explicit Proxy, you no longer need to divide your mobile users license between the users you want to secure with GlobalProtect and the users you want to secure with an Explicit Proxy. Explicit Proxy uses your existing Mobile User license.
When you purchase a Mobile User license, by default you can enable Explicit Proxy in addition to or instead of GlobalProtect.
To enable Explicit Proxy, refer to the following sections:

View the Health of Your Explicit Proxy Mobile Users

The Monitoring Summary tab gives you an overview of the health status of all the Mobile Users logged into Prisma Access.

Connected Users

Connected Users shows the number of users connected to Prisma Access in the Time Range selected. Hover over a point in the chart to see the number of users at a specific time.

License Consumption

Consumption Status shows the number of users who have logged in to Prisma Access at least once in the past 90 days using Explicit Proxy. The usage is expressed against the total procured mobile user licenses as opposed to separating a pool of Explicit Proxy licenses from the total mobile user licenses.

Top 5 Open Alerts by Severity

By default, only the nodes with the top five most severe alerts during the Time Range selected appear. The vertical lines represent the severity of the alerts. Drilling down into an alert gives you more context of the underlying issue. These alerts cannot be cleared manually. They can be cleared only by resolving the underlying issue. View All Mobile User Alerts link takes you to the Alerts page, where you can filter the data displayed by Status and Use Case.
When you drill down into an alert, the Alert Details page opens. This page displays the status and description of the alert along with other information, such as the Alert Generation Timestamp, alert status as to whether the alert is open, the alert type, Prisma Access location from where the alert was generated, and the name of the tenant that was affected. Select the name of the tenant to open the Prisma Access Location page for the tenant, which shows you the detailed tenant status.

Top 5 Most Active Prisma Access Locations for Mobile Users

Use this bar graph to view the most active Prisma Access locations based on the number of connected users at that time. It shows you the top five sites based on users connected to a particular Prisma Access location. Hover over a bar to see the details of the number of Mobile Users that were logged in by region in the specified Time Range.

Map View of Mobile Users Connected to Prisma Access

The Mobile UsersMap View tab shows all the Mobile Users gateway locations and their status on a map. The inverted triangles on the map are color-coded to indicate Prisma Access location status:
  • Green: If any one instance is up, the MU location is connected, or up.
  • Red: If all instances are down, the MU connection is disconnected, or down
  • Gray: If instance states are a mixture of disconnected and unknown, the MU location is unknown.
The Login Timeline is based on the Time Range that you have selected and shows intervals within that time range. The user data that you see on the map (inverted triangle markers) is the data for the selected time slice within the Login Timeline. A time slice varies depending upon what you select in the Time Range filter. For example, if you selected Last 7 Days your time slice could be one day or if you select the Last 15 minutes, your time slice will be one minute. By default, the user data is set to show the last time slice on the Login Timeline. So, by default all the markers on the map will reflect the data for the selected time slice.
To see the data for a different day, click one of the vertical lines in the Login Timeline. The color of the markers on the map represents the current status of the location. Use the legend in the widget to decipher the status based on the color. Hover on a location to see the name of the location and the number of unique user connections for the location. Selecting a location icon shows the flight path from where the mobile user is connecting to the gateway. The flight path also shows where your users are connected from, if they are connecting from long range or short range. Long-range connections are connections that are connecting from 500 miles or more from the Prisma Access Locations.

Monitor Connected Mobile Users

The Mobile Users List tab provides data on your users connected during the Time Range selected.

Unique Mobile Users

This widget displays the number of new unique Mobile Users who have logged in at least once during the Time Range out of the aggregate of all the users logged in.

Unique Mobile Users Connected Over Time

The trend line in this widget shows how many unique users logged in during the specified Time Range.

Number of Unique Mobile User Connections

This table displays all the unique connections within the specified time range and can also be filtered based on the data point that you select on the unique login. The table is filtered based on a data point that you select in Unique User Logins Over Time. When you select a user ID in the table, you get the details on the user’s connection.
The Connect Method column shows you whether the user is connected to Prisma Access using GlobalProtect or explicit proxy. The columns displayed in the table will vary based on which Connect Method you have selected. For instance, if you selected GlobalProtect, you see the OS Family/Version and the GP Client Version columns but if you select Explicit Proxy, then these columns do not show. Instead, you see the Browser column that is applicable to explicit proxy. If you select both, then you see only columns that are applicable to both.
You can search for a specific Mobile User by entering the username in the Search All Mobile Users column. This opens the Mobile User details page for the user. Both GlobalProtect and Explicit Proxy will be selected in the Connect Method by default to ensure that all users are searched.

Mobile User Details

If you select a specific Mobile User ID in the (Number of) Unique Mobile Users Connections table, the data on this page will be filtered by default based on the Connect Method option that you had selected in the Mobile Users List tab. You’ll see the Browser column that applies to Explicit Proxy.