: Upgrade or Downgrade Considerations in Prisma SD-WAN ION Device Release 6.2.1

Upgrade or Downgrade Considerations in Prisma SD-WAN ION Device Release 6.2.1

Table of Contents

Upgrade or Downgrade Considerations in
Prisma SD-WAN
ION Device Release 6.2.1

Learn about the device upgrade or downgrade considerations for Release 6.2.1.
The following table lists the new features that have upgrade or downgrade impact. Make sure you understand all upgrade/downgrade considerations before you upgrade to or downgrade from
Prisma SD-WAN
release 6.2.1.
Upgrade Considerations
Downgrade Considerations
Used for = control
option for Switch Virtual Interfaces (SVI) on all switched ports and sub-interfaces on routed ports
Downgrading to earlier versions if
Used for = control
interface is configured, is not supported. Contact Customer Support if you want to downgrade your device.

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