: Configure Standard Groups

Configure Standard Groups

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Configure Standard Groups

Let us learn more about configuring Standard groups.
With the Prisma Access for Networks Integration (managed by Panorama) CloudBlade installed, three default standard groups will automatically be created:
  • Prisma Access: Active
  • Prisma Access: Backup
  • Prisma Access: All Regions
The only action required will be to add the appropriate Prisma Access Region Endpoints to these Groups and Any Domains (as needed).
  1. From
    , select
    Service & DC Groups
  2. Click
    next to Domains, provide a name in the popup and select
  3. Next, map the service endpoints to the appropriate
    Prisma Access: Active
    Prisma Access: Backup
    groups in each domain.
    If more than one endpoint is part of a group, they will be considered as equal in network policy path selection.
  4. Finally, proceed to binding domains to sites.

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