Flow Information Elements
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- ION 5.5
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- ION 6.4
- New Features Guide
- On-Premises Controller
- Prisma Access CloudBlade Cloud Managed
- Prisma Access CloudBlade Panorama Managed
- Prisma SD-WAN CloudBlades
Flow Information Elements
View detailed information for flow information elements in Prisma SD-WAN.
Where Can I Use This? | What Do I Need? |
The table below describes the flow information
elements, which are based on the IANA IP Flow Information Export
(IPFIX) entity definitions included at https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix/ipfix.xhtml#ipfix-information-elements.
Flow Field | Information Element | ElementId | Description | Data Type | Data Type Semantics |
APPLICATION_HOST | httpRequestHost | IANA 460 | Identifies the domain name of the application's request host. Encoded in UTF-8. | string | |
APP_DEF_ID | applicationId | IANA 95 | Identifies the flow application ID. | octetArray | default |
CONNECTION_BIFLOW_BYTES | cgnxBidirectionalOctetDeltaCount | 1006 CGNX | Specifies the number of octets since the previous report (if any) in both directions for this flow at the observation point. | unsigned64 | deltaCounter |
CONNECTION_BIFLOW_PACKETS | cgnxBidirectionalPacketDeltaCount | 1007 CGNX | Specifies the number of packets since the previous report (if any) in both directions for this flow at the observation point. | unsigned64 | deltaCounter |
CONNECTION_INIT | cgnxTcpConnInit | 1021 CGNX | This boolean flag indicates if a SYN-ACK packet is seen in response to a SYN packet. | unsigned8 | flags |
CONNECTION_NTT | The NTT subTemplate contains the
following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow
when you configure the CONNECTION_NTT flow
field option:
| ||||
cgnxNttMinMilliseconds | 1012 CGNX | Specifies the minimum network transfer time for an application in milliseconds. | unsigned32 | default | |
cgnxNttMaxMilliseconds | 1013 CGNX | Specifies the maximum network transfer time for an application in milliseconds. | unsigned32 | default | |
cgnxNttObservedDeltaCount | 1014 CGNX | Specifies the total number of network transfer time observations for this Flow at the Observation Point. | unsigned32 | deltaCounter | |
cgnxNttSumMilliseconds | 1015 CGNX | Specifies the sum of network transfer times for an application in milliseconds. | unsigned32 | default | |
CONNECTION_RTT | The RTT subTemplate contains the
following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow
when you configure the CONNECTION_RTT flow
| ||||
cgnxRttMinMilliseconds | 1008 CGNX | Specifies the minimum round trip time for an application in milliseconds. | unsigned32 | default | |
cgnxRttMaxMilliseconds | 1009 CGNX | Specifies the maximum round trip time for an application in milliseconds. | unsigned32 | default | |
cgnxRttObservedDeltaCount | 1010 CGNX | Specifies the number of round trip time observations for this Flow at the Observation Point. | unsigned32 | deltaCounter | |
cgnxRttSumMilliseconds | 1011 CGNX | Specifies the sum of round trip times for an application in milliseconds. | unsigned32 | default | |
CONNECTION_SRT | The SRT subTemplate contains the
following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow
when you include the CONNECTION_SRT flow
| ||||
cgnxSrtMinMilliseconds | 1016 CGNX | Specifies the minimum server response time for an application in milliseconds | unsigned32 | default | |
cgnxSrtMaxMilliseconds | 1017 CGNX | Specifies the maximum server response time for an application in milliseconds. | unsigned32 | default | |
cgnxSrtObservedDeltaCount | 1018 CGNX | Specifies the number of server response time observations for this Flow at the Observation Point. | unsigned32 | deltaCounter | |
cgnxSrtSumMilliseconds | 1019 CGNX | Specifies the sum of server response times for an application in milliseconds. | unsigned32 | default | |
CONNECTION_UDPTRT | The TRT subTemplate contains the
following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow
when you configure the CONNECTION_UDPTRT flow
| ||||
cgnxTrtMinMilliseconds | 1024 CGNX | Specifies the minimum transaction response time for an application in milliseconds. | unsigned32 | default | |
cgnxTrtMaxMilliseconds | 1025 CGNX | Specifies the maximum transaction response time for an application in milliseconds. | unsigned32 | default | |
cgnxTrtObservedDeltaCount | 1026 CGNX | Specifies the number of transaction response time observations for this Flow at the Observation Point. | unsigned32 | deltaCounter | |
cgnxTrtSumMilliseconds | 1027 CGNX | Specifies the sum of transaction response times for an application in milliseconds. | unsigned32 | default | |
CONNECTION_UNIFLOW_BYTES | octetDeltaCount | IANA 1 | Identifies the number of octets since the previous report (if any) in incoming packets for this Flow at the Observation Point. | unsigned64 | deltaCounter |
CONNECTION_XACT | The XACT subTemplate contains
the following Information Elements and is exported as part of the
flow when you configure the CONNECTION_XACT flow
| ||||
cgnxConnectionTransactionSuccessTotalCount | 1022 CGNX | Specifies the total number of connection transaction success observations for this Flow at the Observation Point. | unsigned32 | TotalCounter | |
cgnxConnectionTransactionFailureTotalCount | 1023 CGNX | Specifies the total number of connection transaction failure observations for this Flow at the Observation Point. | unsigned32 | TotalCounter | |
DSCP_MAP | cgnxDiffServCodePointMap | 1000 CGNX | Identifies the Prisma SD-WAN DSCP bitmap observation for the flow at the interface. | unsigned64 | flags |
DSCP_LAST | ipDiffservCodePoint | IANA 195 | Identifies the last observed DSCP value for the flow. | unsigned8 | Identifier |
| Identifies a flow's ingress (where packets are received) and/or egress interface (where packets are sent) (physical & logical). The Interface ID exported shall match the SNMP IF ID. | unsigned32 | Identifier |
MEDIA_CODEC | cgnxMediaCodecList | 1034 CGNX | A list of codec identifiers as identified from the flow. Each codec is represented by an single octet in the list. | octetArray | Identifier |
MEDIA_JITTER | Identifies the jitter of a media
flow. The Media Jitter subTemplate contains the following Information
Elements and is exported as part of the flow when you configure
the MEDIA_JITTER flow field:
| ||||
cgnxMediaJitterMaxMilliseconds | 1036 CGNX | Specifies the maximum jitter time for an application in milliseconds. | unsigned32 | default | |
cgnxMediaJitterObservedDeltaCount | 1037 CGNX | Specifies the number of jitter time observations for this Flow at the Observation Point. | unsigned64 | deltaCounter | |
cgnxMediaJitterSumMilliseconds | 1038 CGNX | Specifies the sum of jitter times for an application in milliseconds. | unsigned32 | default | |
MEDIA_LOSS | Identifies the packet loss percentage
of a media flow. The Media Loss subTemplate contains the following
Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow when you
configure the MEDIA_LOSS flow field:
| ||||
cgnxMediaLossMax | 1039 CGNX | Specifies the maximum packet loss percentage for an application. | float32 | quantity | |
cgnxMediaLossObservedDeltaCount | 1040 CGNX | Specifies the number of packet loss percentage observations for this Flow at the Observation Point. | unsigned64 | deltaCounter | |
cgnxMediaLossSum | Specifies the sum of packet loss percentages for an application. | float32 | quantity | ||
MEDIA_MOS | cgnxMediaMosMin | 1042 CGNX | Specifies the minimum MOS sample for an application. | float32 | quantity |
cgnxMediaMosMax | 1043 CGNX | Specifies the maximum MOS sample for an application. | float32 | default | |
cgnxMediaMosObservedDeltaCount | 1044 CGNX | Specifies the number of MOS observations for this Flow at the Observation Point. | unsigned32 | deltaCounter | |
cgnxMediaMosSum | 1045 CGNX | Specifies the sum of MOS observations for an application. | float32 | default | |
QOS_QUEUE | cgnxQosQueue | 1001 CGNX | Identifies the QoS queue that the flow is assigned by the ION device. | unsigned8 | Identifier |
RTP_TRANSPORT_TYPE | cgnxRtpTransport | 1033 CGNX | The value of the RTP transport identifier is Prisma SD-WAN specific and is identified from the flow. | unsigned8 | Identifier |
Identifies the minimum and maximum
TCP window size for a flow.The TcpWin subTemplate contains the following
Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow when you
flow field:
| |||||
cgnxMinTcpWindowSize | 1003 CGNX | The minimum value observed for the TCP window for the flow. | unsigned32 | quantity | |
cgnxMaxTcpWindowSize | 1004 CGNX | The maximum value observed for the TCP window for the flow. | unsigned32 | quantity | |
TROUBLESHOOT_DECISION_MAP | Specifies the Prisma SD-WAN decision
bitmap observation for the flow at the interface. The information
is encoded in a set of bit fields allocated in 4 octet word groups.
The decision map flags are mapped to bits according to their flag numbers. Single
Decision map subTemplate : Contains the following Information Elements and
is exported as part of the flow when you configure the TROUBLESHOOT_DECISION_MAP flow
| ||||
cgnxDecisionMap | 1048 CGNX | Specifies the CloudGenix decision bitmap observation for this flow at the Observation Point. | octetArray | flags | |
TROUBLESHOOT_TCP | The troubleshoot TCP flags subTemplate
contains the following Information Elements and is exported as part
of the flow when you configure the TROUBLESHOOT_TCP flow
| ||||
cgnxTcpSynDeltaCount | 1050 CGNX | The number of packets of this Flow with TCP "Synchronize sequence numbers" (SYN) flag set observed since the last record for the flow was sent. | unsigned32 | deltaCounter | |
cgnxTcpFinDeltaCount | 1051 CGNX | The number of packets of this Flow with TCP "No more data from sender" (FIN) flag set observed since the last record for the flow was sent. | unsigned32 (Reduced to unsigned8) | deltaCounter | |
cgnxTcpRstDeltaCount | 1052 CGNX | The number of packets of this Flow with TCP "Reset the connection" (RST) flag set observed since the last record for the flow was sent. | unsigned32 (Reduced to unsigned8) | deltaCounter | |
cgnxTcpAckDeltaCount | 1053 CGNX | The number of packets of this Flow with TCP "Acknowledgement field significant" (ACK) flag set observed since the last record for the flow was sent. | unsigned32 | deltaCounter | |
cgnxTcpRexmitDeltaCount | 1046 CGNX | unsigned32 | deltaCounter | ||
cgnxTcpOoopDeltaCount | 1047 CGNX | Specifies the number of new TCP out of order packet observations for this TCP Flow at the Observation Point since the last export record for the flow. | unsigned32 | deltaCounter | |
WAN-PATH | cgnxWanPath | 1002 CGNX | WAN path identifier | unsigned64 | Identifier |