: clear app-map dynamic

clear app-map dynamic

Table of Contents

clear app-map dynamic

Use the clear app-map dynamic command to remove an entry from the application map cache that identifies an IP, port, or protocol as a specific application ID.
The protocol field is mandatory for all attributes except all.


clear app-map dynamic ( all | srcv4= | dstv4= | srcv6= | dstv6= | srcport= | dstport= ) prot=


allEnter all to clear all the application entries.
srcv4Enter the source IPv4 address to clear the source IP of the application.
dstv4Enter the destination IPv4 address to clear the destination IP of the application.
srcv6Enter the source IPv6 address to clear the source IP of the application. Release 6.2.1
dstv6Enter the destination IPv6 address to clear the destination IP of the application. Release 6.2.1
srcportEnter the source port to clear the source port of the application.
dstportEnter the destination port to clear the destination port of the application.
protocolTab to select UDP, TCP, or ICMP. Or, enter a protocol number ranging from 0 - 255 to clear the application protocol.

Command Notes

Related Commands
inspect app-map
Introduced inRelease 5.0.3


clear app-map-dynamic srcport=1080 prot=udp