file export

file export

Table of Contents

file export

Use the file export command to export log, core, and capture files from the device to the destination machine.


file export interface-name [ log | core | capturefile ] Destination- URL


logEnter a specific log file to be exported.
coreEnter a specific core file to be exported.
capturefileEnter the name of the actual capture file to export. The capture filename displays only if such a capture file exists or is created by the user.

Command Notes

RoleSuper, Read Only
Related Commands
Introduced inRelease 4.4.1


file export 1 log elem-mgr scp://ubuntu@ ubuntu@'s password: elem-mgr 100% 477KB 8.0MB/s 00:00 file export 1 capture.pcap scp://ubuntu@ ubuntu@'s password: capture.pcap 100% 10KB 3.7MB/s 00:00