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dump bfd status

Use the dump bfd status command to display details of bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) status for VPNs on a device. Information includes session ID, BFD Local IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, BFD Remote IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, along with BFD state (up or down).


dump bfd status [ all | [localv4=local-ipv4 | remotev4=remote-ipv4 | localv6=local-ipv6 | remotev6=remote-ipv6 |state=(up | down) ]+


allEnter all to display all BFD sessions on a device.
localv4Displays status of BFD sessions with the specific local IPv4 address.
remotev4Displays status of BFD sessions with the specific remote IPv4 address.
localv6Displays status of BFD sessions with the specific local IPv6 address.
remotev6Displays status of BFD sessions with the specific remote IPv6 address.
state=upDisplays BFD sessions in the up state.
state=downDisplays BFD sessions in the down state.

Command Notes

RoleSuper, Read Only, Monitor
Related Commands
Introduced in Release 4.5.1


# dump bfd status localv6=2008::5 id=62 local=2008::5 (a) remote=6001::1 state=UP id=61 local=2008::5 (a) remote=5001::1 state=Down id=58 local=2008::5 (a) remote=2007::23 state=UP id=55 local=2008::5 (a) remote=2020::2 state=Down id=52 local=2008::5 (a) remote=7901::1 state=Down