: dump performance-policy config policy-rules

dump performance-policy config policy-rules

Table of Contents

dump performance-policy config policy-rules

Use the
dump performance-policy config policy-rules
command to display a device's path policy rule configuration. The information displayed includes the policy rule, policy set, app filter used (bulk, rtt, transactional), path filters, threshold profile, action information, and policy rule type.


dump performance-policy config policy-rules ( policy-rule =
ruleID or ruleName
| application=
appID or appName
| path-type= <direct | vpn | servicelink | all> | path-label=
| service-label=
| action-type= <raise_atarm | move_flows_forced | fec | visibility> | app-transfer-type = < rt-video | rt-audio | transactional | bulk > )


Enter a policy rule name or ID to display information for the policy rule.
ruleID/ruleName: Enter the performance policy rule ID or name.
Enter an application name or ID to display policy rules for the application.
appID: Enter an application ID to display policy rules for the application.
appName: Enter an application name to display policy rules for the application.
Enter a path type or all to display information for the path. Path type can be Direct, Prisma SD-WAN VPN, or Standard VPN.
Enter a path label or path ID to display policy rules for the path.
Enter a service label to display policy rules.
Enter the Application transfer type for the rule. Transfer type can be Bulk, Audio, Video, or Transactional.
Release 6.4.1
Select the actions associated with the rule type. Actions selected can be raise alarms, move flows, fec, visibility, and packet duplication.

Command Notes

Super, Read Only, Monitor
Related Commands
Introduced in
Release 6.3.1


dump performance-policy config policy-rules policy-rule=PERFTEST Performance Policy Rule : PERFTEST (1713509684750011637) Performance Policy Set : TestPolicySet (1711686637498019637) App Filters : App Transfer Types : TransferType : bulk TransferType : rt-audio TransferType : rt-video TransferType : transactional Applications : Path Filters : Service Labels : Service Label ID : 1708593979446002837 Threshold Profile : Test-909 (1713526460183025437) Actions : Action Type : raise_alarm Lqm Perf : Bad Health Thresholds : Monitoring Approach : moderate Clear Below : 50 Raise Above : 70 App Perf : Bad Health Thresholds : Monitoring Approach : moderate Clear Below : 50 Raise Above : 70 Action Type : move_flows Enabled : true Policy Rule Type : app_circuit_health
dump performance-policy config policy-rules app-transfer-type=rt-video Performance Policy Rule : Default-PerfMgmtRule-Media-Apps (1690882969059023937) Performance Policy Set : Default-PerfMgmtPolicySet (1690882969054023637) App Filters : App Transfer Types : TransferType : rt-audio TransferType : rt-video Applications : Path Filters : Service Labels : Threshold Profile : Default-PerfMgmtThresholdProfile-Media-Apps (1690882969051023537) Actions : Action Type : move_flows Action Type : visibility Enabled : true
dump performance-policy config policy-rules action-type=move_flows Performance Policy Rule : Default-PerfMgmtRule-Media-Apps (1690882969059023937) Performance Policy Set : Default-PerfMgmtPolicySet (1690882969054023637) App Filters : App Transfer Types : TransferType : rt-audio TransferType : rt-video Applications : Path Filters : Service Labels : Threshold Profile : Default-PerfMgmtThresholdProfile-Media-Apps (1690882969051023537) Actions : Action Type : move_flows Action Type : visibility Enabled : true Performance Policy Rule : Default-PerfMgmtRule-All-Apps (1690882969057023837) Performance Policy Set : Default-PerfMgmtPolicySet (1690882969054023637) App Filters : App Transfer Types : TransferType : transactional TransferType : bulk Applications : Path Filters : Service Labels : Threshold Profile : Default-PerfMgmtThresholdProfile-All-Apps (1690882969049023437) Actions : Action Type : move_flows Action Type : visibility Enabled : true
dump performance-policy config policy-rules action-type=fec Performance Policy Rule : PolicyRuleFecCustAP (1696459885696021517) Performance Policy Set : PolicyOct4 (1696458119162019217) App Filters : App Transfer Types : Applications : 1696037546669005617 : serverclient-131078 Path Filters : Path Type : vpn Path Label : private-* Service Labels : Threshold Profile : fectp (1696458336096003517) Actions : Action Type : fec Enabled : true

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