dump routing static-route reachability-status

dump routing static-route reachability-status

Table of Contents

dump routing static-route reachability-status

Use the dump routing static-route reachability-status command to display the reachability status of a next hop on a static route.


dump routing static-route reachability-status (all | destination-prefix= destination prefix ID | vrf-name= vrf name)


allEnter all to display reachability status for next hops for all destination prefixes.
destination-prefixEnter the destination prefix to display reachability status for the next hop for the destination prefix.
vrf-nameEnter the vrf name to display reachability status for the next hop for that vrf name. Release 6.3.1

Command Notes

RoleSuper, Read Only, Monitor
Related Commands
dump routing static-route config
Introduced in Release 5.5.1


dump routing static-route reachability-status destination-prefix=2030::/96 Destination Prefix : 2030::/96 Route ID : 1649675818894024328 +------------------------------------------+---------------+ | Nexthop IP | Reachability status | +------------------------------------------+---------------+| 2008::33 | true | +------------------------------------------+----------------+
dump routing peer static-route reachability-status all Destination Prefix : Route ID : 1696410072329018228 Vrf Context ID : 1688365522034014928 Vni : 0 Vrf Name : Global Nexthop reachability probe not configured. Destination Prefix : Route ID : 1696410095274020028 Vrf Context ID : 1695795392653021428 Vni : 965 Vrf Name : yellow Nexthop reachability probe not configured. Destination Prefix : Route ID : 1696410082955019128 Vrf Context ID : 1689223232301017828 Vni : 155 Vrf Name : green Nexthop reachability probe not configured. dump routing peer static-route reachability-status vrf-name=green Destination Prefix : Route ID : 1696410082955019128 Vrf Context ID : 1689223232301017828 Vni : 155 Vrf Name : green Nexthop reachability probe not configured.