: dump spoke-ha config

dump spoke-ha config

Table of Contents

dump spoke-ha config

Use the dump spoke-ha config command to display branch ION device configuration for high availability (HA). Information includes the name of the cluster, description, cluster ID, advertisement interval in seconds, whether preemption is enabled or disabled, HA control interface, redundancy group ID, base priority of the ION, Interface tracked for availability and the priority adjustment to be made when the interface becomes unavailable, and WAN Interface tracked for reachability and the priority adjustment to be made when reachability is down.


dump spoke-ha config



Command Notes

RoleSuper, Read Only Monitor
Related Commands
Introduced in Release 5.1.1


dump spoke-ha config Name: HA Enable: true Cluster ID: 16138454814560175 Description: Advertisement Interval: 1 Preempt: true Interface: controller 1 Group ID: 133 Base Priority: 200 Track Interface: controller 1 reduce 200 WAN Reachability: BR1-INT2 (9) reduce 200