inspect vrf
Table of Contents
Expand all | Collapse all
- clear app-engine
- clear app-map dynamic
- clear app-probe prefix
- clear connection
- clear device account-login
- clear dhcplease
- clear dhcprelay stat
- clear flow and clear flows
- clear flow-arp
- clear qos-bwc queue-snapshot
- clear routing
- clear routing multicast statistics
- clear routing ospf
- clear routing peer-ip
- clear switch mac-address-entries
- clear user-id agent statistics
- arping interface
- curl
- ping
- ping6
- debug bounce interface
- debug bw-test src-interface
- debug cellular stats
- debug controller reachability
- debug flow
- debug ipfix
- debug log agent eal file log
- debug logging facility
- debug logs dump
- debug logs follow
- debug logs tail
- debug poe interface
- debug process
- debug reboot
- debug routing multicast log
- debug routing multicast pimd
- debug servicelink logging
- debug tcpproxy
- debug time sync
- debug performance-policy
- dig dns
- dig6
- file export
- file remove
- file space available
- file tailf log
- file view log
- ssh6 interface
- ssh interface
- tcpdump
- tcpping
- traceroute
- traceroute6
- dump appdef config
- dump appdef version
- dump app-engine
- dump app-l4-prefix table
- dump app-probe config
- dump app-probe flow
- dump app-probe prefix
- dump app-probe status
- dump auth config
- dump auth status
- dump banner config
- dump bfd status
- dump bypass-pair config
- dump cellular config
- dump cellular stats
- dump cellular status
- dump cgnxinfra status
- dump cgnxinfra status live
- dump cgnxinfra status store
- dump config network
- dump config security
- dump controller cipher
- dump controller status
- dump device accessconfig
- dump device conntrack count
- dump device date
- dump device info
- dump device status
- dump dhcp-relay config
- dump dhcprelay stat
- dump dhcp-server config
- dump dhcp-server status
- dump dhcpstat
- dump dnsservice config all
- dump dpdk cpu
- dump dpdk interface
- dump dpdk port status
- dump dpdk stats
- dump flow
- dump flow count-summary
- dump interface config
- dump interface status
- dump interface status interface details
- dump interface status interface module
- dump ipfix config collector-contexts
- dump ipfix config derived-exporters
- dump ipfix config filter-contexts
- dump ipfix config ipfix-overrides
- dump ipfix config prefix-filters
- dump ipfix config profiles
- dump ipfix config templates
- dump lldp
- dump lldp config
- dump lldp info
- dump lldp stats
- dump lldp status
- dump log-agent eal conn
- dump log-agent eal response-time
- dump log-agent eal stats
- dump log-agent config
- dump log-agent iot snmp config
- dump log-agent iot snmp device discovery stats
- dump log-agent ip mac bindings
- dump log-agent neighbor discovery stats
- dump log-agent status
- dump ml7 mctd counters
- dump ml7 mctd session
- dump ml7 mctd version
- dump nat counters
- dump nat summary
- dump network-policy config policy-rules
- dump network-policy config policy-sets
- dump network-policy config policy-stacks
- dump network-policy config prefix-filters
- dump overview
- dump performance-policy config policy-rules
- dump performance-policy config policy-sets
- dump performance-policy config policy-set-stacks
- dump performance-policy config threshold-profile
- dump poe system config
- dump poe system status
- dump priority-policy config policy-rules
- dump priority-policy config policy-sets
- dump priority-policy config policy-stacks
- dump priority-policy config prefix-filters
- dump probe config
- dump probe profile
- dump radius config
- dump radius statistics
- dump radius status
- dump reachability-probe config
- dump qos-bwc config
- dump reachability-probe status
- dump routing aspath-list
- dump routing cache
- dump routing communitylist
- dump routing multicast config
- dump routing multicast igmp
- dump routing multicast interface
- dump routing multicast internal vif-entries
- dump routing multicast mroute
- dump routing multicast pim
- dump routing multicast sources
- dump routing multicast statistics
- dump routing multicast status
- dump routing ospf
- dump routing peer advertised routes
- dump routing peer config
- dump routing peer neighbor
- dump routing peer received-routes
- dump routing peer routes
- dump routing peer route-via
- dump routing peer status
- dump routing peer route-json
- dump routing prefixlist
- dump routing prefix-reachability
- dump routing route
- dump routing routemap
- dump routing running-config
- dump routing summary
- dump routing static-route reachability-status
- dump routing static-route config
- dump security-policy config policy-rules
- dump security-policy config policy-set
- dump security-policy config policy-set-stack
- dump security-policy config prefix-filters
- dump security-policy config zones
- dump sensor type
- dump sensor type summary
- dump serviceendpoints
- dump servicelink summary
- dump servicelink stats
- dump servicelink status
- dump site config
- dump snmpagent config
- dump snmpagent status
- dump software status
- dump spoke-ha config
- dump spoke-ha status
- dump standingalarms
- dump static-arp config
- dump static host config
- dump static routes
- dump support details
- dump-support
- dump switch fdb vlan-id
- dump switch port status
- dump switch vlan-db
- dump syslog config
- dump syslog-rtr stats
- dump syslog status
- dump time config
- dump time log
- dump time status
- dump troubleshoot message
- dump user-id agent config
- dump user-id agent statistics
- dump user-id agent status
- dump user-id agent summary
- dump user-id groupidx
- dump user-id group-mapping
- dump user-id ip-user-mapping
- dump user-id statistics
- dump user-id status
- dump user-id summary
- dump user-id useridx
- dump vlan member
- dump vpn count
- dump vpn ka all
- dump vpn ka summary
- dump vpn ka VpnID
- dump vpn status
- dump vpn summary
- dump vrf
- dump waninterface config
- dump waninterface summary
- inspect app-flow-table
- inspect app-l4-prefix lookup
- inspect app-map
- inspect certificate
- inspect certificate device
- inspect cgnxinfra role
- inspect connection
- inspect dhcplease
- inspect dhcp6lease
- inspect dpdk ip-rules
- inspect dpdk vrf
- inspect fib
- inspect fib-leak
- inspect flow-arp
- inspect flow brief
- inspect flow-detail
- inspect flow internal
- inspect interface stats
- inspect ipfix exporter-stats
- inspect ipfix collector-stats
- inspect ipfix app-table
- inspect ipfix wan-path-info
- inspect ipfix interface-info
- inspect ip-rules
- inspect ipv6-rules
- inspect lqm stats
- inspect memory summary
- inspect network-policy conflicts
- inspect network-policy dropped
- inspect network-policy hits policy-rules
- inspect network-policy lookup
- inspect performance-policy fec status
- inspect policy-manager status
- inspect policy-mix lookup-flow
- inspect priority-policy conflicts
- inspect priority-policy dropped
- inspect priority-policy hits default-rule-dscp
- inspect priority-policy hits policy-rules
- inspect priority-policy lookup
- inspect performance-policy incidents
- inspect performance-policy lookup
- inspect performance-policy hits analytics
- inspect process status
- inspect qos-bwc debug-state
- inspect qos-bwc queue-history
- inspect qos-bwc queue-snapshot
- inspect routing multicast fc site-iface
- inspect routing multicast interface
- inspect routing multicast mroute
- inspect security-policy lookup
- inspect security-policy size
- inspect switch mac-address-table
- inspect system arp
- inspect system ipv6-neighbor
- inspect system vrf
- inspect vrf
- inspect wanpaths
inspect vrf
Use the
inspect vrf
to inspect all the route tables for a device and used to debug any routing-related
issues on the device. Command
inspect vrf ( all | list | mgmt | main | default | core-in | ) | vrf=vrf-name) +)
all | Enter all to inspect all route tables for a
device. |
list | Enter list to list the names of configured
route tables. |
mgmt | Enter mgmt to inspect the management table. |
main | Enter main to inspect only the main route table. |
default | Enter default to inspect the default route
table. |
core-in | Enter core-in to inspect the core-in route
table. Core-in table is the route table specific for traffic that
ingresses from the core router. This option is applicable only for
hub devices. |
vrfname | Enter one of the route table names from the
list. |
Command Notes
Role | Super, Read Only |
Related Commands | — |
Introduced in | Release 4.4.1 |
inspect vrf list RouteTable Number ---------- ------ local 255 main 254 default 253 unspec 0 all-peer-in 2010 plain-in-eth5 2701 plain-out-eth5 2702 internet-in-eth2 2100 internet-out-eth2 2101 plain-in-eth1 2703 plain-out-eth1 2704 privwan-eth4 2051 plain-in-eth7 2705 plain-out-eth7 2706 mgmt-eth0 32000 plain-in-eth3 2707 plain-out-eth3 2708 all-peer-100-in 1010 vrf-privwan-eth6 1500 vrf-100 20002 vrf-privwan-eth7.1 1501 all-peer-102-in 1011 vrf-privwan-eth7.2 1502 vrf-102 20003 all-peer-101-in 1012 vrf-privwan-eth7.3 1503 vrf-101 20001
inspect vrf all default via dev v-eth1-p table privwan-in-eth1 dev eth1 table privwan-in-eth1 scope link src default via dev eth1 table privwan-out-eth1 proto static dev eth1 table privwan-out-eth1 scope link src dev eth1 table allow-connected-drop-default proto rsync scope link src dev v-eth1-p table allow-connected-drop-default proto rsync scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src dev v-eth1-p proto kernel scope link src broadcast dev eth1 table local proto kernel scope link src local dev eth1 table local proto kernel scope host src broadcast dev eth1 table local proto kernel scope link src broadcast dev v-eth1-p table local proto kernel scope link src local dev v-eth1-p table local proto kernel scope host src broadcast dev v-eth1-p table local proto kernel scope link src 2008::/64 dev eth1 table privwan-in-eth1 metric 256 pref medium 2008::/64 dev eth1 table privwan-out-eth1 metric 256 pref medium default via 2008::55 dev eth1 table privwan-out-eth1 proto static metric 1024 pref medium 2008::/64 dev eth1 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium fe80::/64 dev eth1 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium fe80::/64 dev v-eth1-p proto kernel metric 256 pref medium fe80::/64 dev v-eth1 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium anycast 2008:: dev eth1 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium local 2008::5 dev eth1 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium anycast fe80:: dev eth1 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium anycast fe80:: dev v-eth1-p table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium anycast fe80:: dev v-eth1 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium local fe80::250:56ff:fe88:e61d dev eth1 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium local fe80::700a:a5ff:fe6d:5d55 dev v-eth1 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium local fe80::cc92:5fff:fe14:e9d9 dev v-eth1-p table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium ff00::/8 dev eth1 table local metric 256 pref medium ff00::/8 dev v-eth1-p table local metric 256 pref medium ff00::/8 dev v-eth1 table local metric 256 pref medium