Prisma SD-WAN Features Introduced in January 2020

Prisma SD-WAN Features Introduced in January 2020

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Prisma SD-WAN Features Introduced in January 2020

Learn what’s new in Prisma SD-WAN in January 2020.
New Feature/EnhancementDescription
Enhanced MAP TabThe MAP tab has been enhanced to include the following:
  • Topology displays a map view of sites.
  • Sites displays a list of branch and data center sites.
  • Claimed Devices displays an expanded view of claimed devices.
  • Unclaimed Devices displays an expanded view of unclaimed devices.
Enhanced Site SummaryAt a site level, from the Site Summary screen, administrators now have the ability to: View configured and learned LAN prefixes via the View Global button. Change the site mode to Analytics, Control, or Disabled.
Enhanced Routing Stats ChartThe Routing Stats chart now includes a new column for Discovered Prefixes, which displays prefixes learned from a branch-site LAN peer.
Enhanced Site-Creation OptionsWhen creating a new data center site, the Configure Data Center Groups After Creation check box is selected by default. This enables the Service and Data Center Groups page to be launched automatically, from where domains and groups can be configured. It provides an administrator the opportunity to add a new data center site to a Data Center Group, so it can be used as a transit within a policy rule.
Enhanced Filtering in Activity ChartsThe Quick Filters feature in the Activity Tab now allows administrators to toggle viewing Active or All VPNs.
  • All displays a list of all VPNs
  • Active displays only the active VPNs
Enhanced Search for Application DefinitionsThis release provides improved capability to search application definitions by name or domain, port number, L3 or L4 protocols, prefix filters, or transfer types. With improved search capability, it is now possible to find applications of interest with ease. For example: Filter all applications that match port 80. This helps with locating and managing applications.In addition, it can be used to confirm if any application definitions are being referenced explicitly in a policy set and if the policy sets are used at a site.