: Get a WildFire Analysis Report (WildFire API)

Get a WildFire Analysis Report (WildFire API)

Table of Contents

Get a WildFire Analysis Report (WildFire API)

Use this resource to get a WildFire Analysis report for a specified sample hash value in one of the following formats: XML, PDF, and MAEC; or a web page URL in the JSON format.
Palo Alto Networks recommends waiting at least 5 minutes before you request a WildFire Analysis Report or Get a WildFire Verdict (WildFire API) on a sample submission.



Request Parameters

Use the following form parameters when requesting a WildFire Analysis report:
) API key
apikey=<API KEY>
Required for Prisma Access and Prisma Cloud Compute-based WildFire public API keys
) Designates the API key type
Options include:
  • pcc
    —for use with Prisma Cloud Compute-based WildFire public API keys
  • prismaaccessapi
    —for use with Prisma Access-based WildFire public API keys
Required for file-based requests
) MD5 or SHA-256 hash value of the sample
hash=afe6b95ad95bc689c356f34ec8d9094 c495e4af57c932ac413b65ef132063acc
Required for URL-based requests
) The URL of the web page
Applicable to WildFire sample analysis reports only
) Report format
Acceptable values:
  • xml
  • pdf
  • maec
WildFire URL analysis reports are only available in the JSON format.

Example Request 1

Make a POST request to the
resource and include the API key, the MD5 or SHA-256 hash value of the sample, and optionally include the platform and report output type, similar to the following cURL command:
curl -JO -F 'apikey=<API KEY>' -F 'hash=04f4f1c83f1e69b1f055202964536f13' -F 'format=xml' 'https://wildfire.paloaltonetworks.com/publicapi/get/report'
The response saves or generates the output of the WildFire analysis report using one of the specified formats: XML, PDF, or MAEC (if none is specified, as in this example, it defaults to XML). When requesting a PDF, the response uses the
content-type; while a MAEC format report response uses the
content type.
Here is an example response for a WildFire analysis report request in XML:
<wildfire> <version>2.0</version> <file_info> <malware>yes</malware> <sha1>828f02e6ca4bcf6c30264137f758fbe20dd866db</sha1> <filetype>PE</filetype> <sha256>ca007e3b395688f5f3062729978dcdbadc90d9c3501d9a89c139d11c58d2a15e</sha256> <md5>04f4f1c83f1e69b1f055202964536f13</md5> <size>796268</size> </file_info> <task_info> <report> <version>3.0</version> <platform>204</platform> <software>PE Static Analyzer</software> <sha256>ca007e3b395688f5f3062729978dcdbadc90d9c3501d9a89c139d11c58d2a15e</sha256> <md5>04f4f1c83f1e69b1f055202964536f13</md5> <malware>no</malware> <summary> <entry details="Entropy is a measurement of the randomness in data. Overlays with high entropy indicate encoded or encrypted data." id="3030" score="0.0">Contains overlay data with high entropy</entry> <entry details="Sections with a large discrepancy between raw and virtual sizes may indicate a packed or obfuscated PE file." id="3013" score="0.0">Contains sections with size discrepancies</entry> <entry details="Thread-local storage (TLS) is normally used to manage data in multithreaded applications. However, it can also allow execution of code outside of the expected entry point of a PE file." id="3019" score="0.0">Contains a TLS section</entry> <entry details="The PE file checksum is required for drivers, boot-time DLLs, and other DLLs loaded into secure system processes. Malware often ignores this value or sets it to zero." id="3015" score="0.0">Contains an invalid checksum</entry> <entry details="Overlay data is extra data appended to the end of a PE image. Many legitimate files, including all files that are digitally signed, contain overlay data. However, malware often uses overlays to embed encoded or encrypted data as well." id="3029" score="0.0">Contains overlay data</entry> <entry details="Standard section names are defined by the compiler. Non-standard section names may indicate a packed or obfuscated PE file." id="3003" score="0.0">Contains non-standard section names</entry> <entry details="Sections with zero size indicate a packed or obfuscated PE file." id="3036" score="0.0">Contains sections with zero size</entry> </summary> </report> <!-- TRUNCATED RESPONSE --> </task_info> </wildfire>

Example Request 2

Make a POST request to the
resource and include the API key, the MD5 or SHA-256 hash value of the sample, and optionally include the platform and report output type, similar to the following cURL command:
curl -JO -F 'apikey=<API KEY>' -F 'sha256=ac1f40162a2435537171dbe29feaf3b75ce0d12c86db411259914ad75e689266' -F 'format=maec' -F 'https://wildfire.paloaltonetworks.com/publicapi/get/report'
In this example, the response provides the WildFire analysis report for the specified SHA256 hash in the MAEC format using the
content type.
Here is an example response for a WildFire analysis report request in the MAEC format:
{ "success": true, "result": { "detection_reasons": [], "iocs": [], "maec_packages": [ { "id": "package--f4dc11a8-b803-437c-5f1f-de0a08ea5fe7", "maec_objects": [ { "analysis_metadata": [ { "analysis_type": "static", "conclusion": "no detection", "is_automated": true, "tool_refs": [ "1" ] } ], "dynamic_features": { "action_refs": [ "malware-action--cf4acb1f-d613-4ff3-472a-c877418c3e15" ], "behavior_refs": [ "behavior--3a7cd04f-b867-4c06-e97e-911df668b4aa", "behavior--832fc6d9-d0d7-44ef-84d7-95015187f56f", "behavior--688b7e60-b8f3-482a-f40c-b43121b9fe7d", "behavior--574cc6a8-2334-4abf-f11c-54c92e5749a6" ] }, "id": "malware-instance--bdae93df-8bb1-4521-696a-593eee2574fb", "instance_object_refs": [ "0" ], "type": "malware-instance" }, { "description": "PDF contains an URI.", "id": "behavior--3a7cd04f-b867-4c06-e97e-911df668b4aa", "name": "pdf_sa_uri", "type": "behavior" }, { "description": "PDF has only one page.", "id": "behavior--832fc6d9-d0d7-44ef-84d7-95015187f56f", "name": "pdf_sa_onepage", "type": "behavior" }, { "description": "PDF document contains an canonicalized object key of Action", "id": "behavior--688b7e60-b8f3-482a-f40c-b43121b9fe7d", "name": "pdf_ko_action", "type": "behavior" }, { "description": "The action of containing network artifacts.", "id": "malware-action--cf4acb1f-d613-4ff3-472a-c877418c3e15", "name": "network-artifacts", "output_object_refs": [ "4", "2", "3" ], "type": "malware-action" }, { "action_refs": [ "malware-action--cf4acb1f-d613-4ff3-472a-c877418c3e15" ], "description": "File contains one or more URL/domain name/IP address", "id": "behavior--574cc6a8-2334-4abf-f11c-54c92e5749a6", "name": "sa_url", "type": "behavior" } ], "observable_objects": { "0": { "hashes": { "MD5": "3b695ce4b733069a1b8671c4e9ebe247", "SHA-1": "25fec390b4419edd0a08784bcb8960143443b347", "SHA-256": "ac1f40162a2435537171dbe29feaf3b75ce0d12c86db411259914ad75e689266" }, "type": "file", "x-wf-file-type": "pdf" }, "1": { "name": "PDF Static Analyzer", "type": "software" }, "2": { "type": "url", "value": "" }, "3": { "type": "url", "value": "portal-beta1.wildfire.paloaltonetworks.com/report/box/7521c97f1705211618f8db072b6d0d0e5c28d0d727ecde12344745974d07e068/25887678581" }, "4": { "type": "url", "value": "" } }, "schema_version": "5.0", "type": "package" } ], "primary_malware_instances": { "package--f4dc11a8-b803-437c-5f1f-de0a08ea5fe7": "malware-instance--bdae93df-8bb1-4521-696a-593eee2574fb" }, "sa_package": "package--f4dc11a8-b803-437c-5f1f-de0a08ea5fe7", "schema_version": "1.0", "sha256": "ac1f40162a2435537171dbe29feaf3b75ce0d12c86db411259914ad75e689266", "type": "wf-report", "verdict": "no detection" } } }

Example Request 3

Make a POST request to the
resource and include the API key, the URL of the web page, and optionally include the platform and report output type, similar to the following cURL command:
curl -JO -F 'apikey=<API KEY>' -F 'url=http://www.google.com' -F 'https://wildfire.paloaltonetworks.com/publicapi/get/report'
The response saves the URL analysis report in JSON format. If an exact match of the specified URL cannot be found, WildFire delivers a best guess match. The URL match type is indicated by the
entry in the response.
indicates an exact match, while
best match
is shown for the best found match.
Here is an example response for a WildFire URL analysis report request:
{ "success": true, "result": { "analysis_time": "2020-04-22:42:30Z", "url_type": "original", "report": "<MAEC report>" <size>796268</size> } }

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