View Threat Logs
Advanced Threat Prevention Powered by Precision AI™

View Threat Logs

Table of Contents

View Threat Logs

Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • NGFW (Managed by PAN-OS or Panorama)
  • VM-Series
  • CN-Series
  • Advanced Threat Prevention (for enhanced feature support) or Threat Prevention License
Threat categories classify different types of threat signatures to help you understand and draw connections between events threat signatures detect. Threat categories are subsets of the more broad threat signature types: spyware, vulnerability, and antivirus. Threat log entries display the
Threat Category
for each recorded event.
You can browse, search, and view Advanced Threat Prevention logs that are automatically generated when a threat is detected. Typically, this includes any qualifying threat signature match that a Threat Prevention feature, including Inline ML, analyzes unless it is specifically configured with a log severity level of none. Log entries provide numerous details about the event, including the threat level and, if applicable, the nature of threat.

View Threat Logs (
Cloud Management

  1. Use the credentials associated with your Palo Alto Networks support account and log in to the
    Strata Cloud Manager
    on the hub.
    For more information on using Activity dashboards, refer to the Log Viewer.
  2. Filter threat logs based on the
    Threat Category
    Prisma Access
    1. Select
      Incidents & Alerts
      Log Viewer
    2. Change the log type to be searched to
    3. Create a search filter using one the threat signature subtypes used by the Antivirus, Anti-spyware, or Vulnerability Protection profiles (
      , and
      , respectively) or based on the threat category using the query builder. For example, you can use
      sub_type.value = 'spyware'
      to view logs for threats that have been determined to be spyware. To search for other subtypes, replace spyware in the above example with another supported subtype (
      ). You can also search based on a specific
      Threat Category
      , such as an info-leak vulnerability by using the following query
      threat_category.value = 'info-leak'
      . For a list of valid categories you can use, refer to Threat Signature Categories. Adjust the search criteria as necessary for your search, including additional query parameters (such as the severity level and action) along with a date range.
    4. Run the query after you have finished assembling your filters.
    5. Select a log entry from the results to view the log details.
    6. The threat
      is displayed in the
      pane of the detailed log view. Other relevant details about the threat are displayed in their corresponding windows.
  3. Filter Threat logs by threat [categories] that have been detected using inline cloud analysis (spyware).
    HTTP-based C2 traffic that was originally categorized with the threat name
    Inline Cloud Analyzed HTTP Command and Control Traffic Detection
    and is associated with multiple Threat IDs, is now separated into three unique threat names to correspond to the unique Threat IDs and more accurately describe the detections made by Advanced Threat Prevention:
    Evasive HTTP C2 Traffic Detection
    (Threat ID: 89950),
    Evasive Cobalt Strike C2 Traffic Detection
    (Threat ID: 89955, 89956, and 89957), and
    Evasive Empire C2 Traffic Detection
    (Threat ID: 89958).
    HTTP-based C2 traffic logs generated prior to December 11, 2023 will continue to be categorized with the threat name
    Inline Cloud Analyzed HTTP Command and Control Traffic Detection
    1. Select
      Incidents & Alerts
      Log Viewer
    2. Change the log type to be searched to
    3. Create a search filter using a threat category used exclusively by Inline Cloud Analysis (spyware):
      threat_category.value = 'inline-cloud-c2'
      . You can further constrain the search by cross-referencing a Threat-ID value that corresponds to a specific C2 type. For example,
      threat_category.value = 'inline-cloud-c2' AND Threat ID = 89958
      , whereby 89958 indicates the Threat ID of evasive empire C2 traffic.
    4. Select a log entry to view the details of a detected C2 threat.
    5. The threat
      is displayed under the
      pane of the log details. C2 threats that have been detected using inline cloud analysis have a threat category of inline-cloud-c2. You can cross-reference the Threat
      value in the
      pane to determine the specific type of C2 that has been detected.
  4. Filter Threat logs by threat [categories] that have been detected using inline cloud analysis (vulnerability).
    1. Select
      Incidents & Alerts
      Log Viewer
    2. Change the log type to be searched to
    3. Create a search filter using a threat category used exclusively by Inline Cloud Analysis (vulnerability):
      threat_category.value = 'inline-cloud-exploit'
    4. Select a log entry to view the details of the detected command injection and SQL injection vulnerabilities. Inline exploit (SQL injection) threats have an ID of 99950 while inline exploit (command injection) threats have an ID of 99951.

View Threat Logs (
NGFW (Managed by PAN-OS or Panorama)

  • Filter Threat logs by threat category.
    1. Select
    2. Add the Threat Category column so you can view the Threat Category for each log entry:
    3. To filter based on Threat Category:
      • Use the log query builder to add a filter with the
        Threat Category and in the
        field, enter a Threat Category.
      • Select the Threat Category of any log entry to add that category to the filter:
  • Filter Threat logs by threat signature type.
    1. Select
    2. Add the
      column, if it is not present, so you can view the threat signature category for each log entry:
    3. To filter based on the signature type:
      • Use the log query builder to add a filter with the
        of the threat signature category and in the
        field, enter a threat signature type. You can select from
        , and
        , which corresponds to the signatures handled by your Vulnerability Protection, Antivirus, and Anti-Spyware security profiles.
      • Select the
        of any log entry to add that threat signature type to the filter. You can also manually build your query using the filter and threat signature type.
  • Filter Threat logs by threat [categories] that have been detected using inline cloud analysis (spyware).
    HTTP-based C2 traffic that was originally categorized with the threat name
    Inline Cloud Analyzed HTTP Command and Control Traffic Detection
    and is associated with multiple Threat IDs, is now separated into three unique threat names to correspond to the unique Threat IDs and more accurately describe the detections made by Advanced Threat Prevention:
    Evasive HTTP C2 Traffic Detection
    (Threat ID: 89950),
    Evasive Cobalt Strike C2 Traffic Detection
    (Threat ID: 89955, 89956, and 89957), and
    Evasive Empire C2 Traffic Detection
    (Threat ID: 89958).
    If you do not install the update content or are reviewing HTTP-based C2 traffic logs generated prior to December 11, 2023 (the release date of the content update), all HTTP-based C2 traffic will continue to be categorized with the threat name
    Inline Cloud Analyzed HTTP Command and Control Traffic Detection
    1. Select
      . You can filter the logs based on certain characteristics of the threat. Consider the following examples:
      • Filter using
        ( category-of-threatid eq inline-cloud-c2 )
        to view logs for C2 threats that have been analyzed using the inline cloud analysis mechanism of Advanced Threat Prevention.
      • You can further constrain the search by cross-referencing a Threat-ID value that corresponds to a specific C2 type. For example,
        ( category-of-threatid eq inline-cloud-c2 ) and (name-of-threatid eq 89958)
        , whereby 89958 indicates the Threat ID of evasive empire C2 traffic.
      • Filter using
        (local_deep_learning eq yes)
        to view logs for threats that have been analyzed using the Local Deep Analysis mechanism of Advanced Threat Prevention.
    2. Select a log entry to view the details of a detected C2 threat.
    3. The threat
      is displayed under the
      pane of the detailed log view. C2 threats that have been detected using inline cloud analysis have a threat category of inline-cloud-c2. You can cross-reference the Threat
      value to determine the specific type of C2 that has been detected.
    4. If the threat was analyzed using Local Deep Learning, the
      Local Deep Learning Analyzed
      field indicates yes.
  • Monitor activity on the firewall for vulnerability exploits that have been detected using inline cloud analysis (vulnerability).
    1. Select
      and filter by
      ( category-of-threatid eq inline-cloud-exploit )
      to view logs that have been analyzed using the inline cloud analysis mechanism of Advanced Threat Prevention. Inline exploit (SQL injection) threats have an ID of 99950 while inline exploit (command injection) threats have an ID of 99951.
    2. Select a log entry to view the details of a vulnerability exploit.
    3. The threat
      is displayed under the
      pane of the detailed log view. Vulnerability exploits that have been detected using inline cloud analysis have a threat category of inline-cloud-exploit.
  • Filter ACC activity by threat category.
    1. Select
      and add Threat Category as a global filter:
    2. Select the Threat Category to filter all ACC tabs.

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