: New Features Introduced in May 2023

New Features Introduced in May 2023

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New Features Introduced in May 2023

Learn about the new features introduced for the Cloud Identity Engine in May 2023, including Cloud Dynamic User Groups and SCIM Connector for Okta.
The following table provides a snapshot of new features introduced for the Cloud Identity Engine app in May 2023. Refer to the Cloud Identity Engine documentation for more information on how to use the Cloud Identity Engine.
Cloud Dynamic User Groups
Cloud Dynamic User Groups allow you to create flexible groups that can quickly adapt their membership to match attribute changes that you define. You can even combine attributes to further refine the group membership, making creation of user-based rules even more granular and extensible. Cloud Dynamic User Groups also allow you to instantly assign users to On Demand groups, which are custom static groups where the group membership remains the same until you manually make changes.
SCIM Connector for Okta
Configuring the System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) protocol for Directory Sync in the Cloud Identity Engine allows you to customize which attributes and groups Directory Sync collects from your Okta Directory server. You can specify the attributes that you want to share with the Cloud Identity Engine by adding or removing the attributes in the Okta Directory management console.
Support for China (CN) and Poland (PL) Regions
The Cloud Identity Engine now supports instances in the China (CN) and Poland (PL) regions for customers who must store the data synced from their directories in either of these regions to comply with data regulation requirements. For more information on how to configure these regions, refer to Regional Data Storage Requirements in the Cloud Identity Engine System Requirements. If you're using a Cloud Identity agent, refer to Configure the Cloud Identity Agent. If you use the Cloud Identity Engine for authentication, refer to Configure the Cloud Identity Engine in an Authentication Profile.

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