Add an Enterprise DLP Email Policy Rule
Enterprise DLP

Add an Enterprise DLP Email Policy Rule

Table of Contents

Add an Enterprise DLP Email Policy Rule

Add an
Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (E-DLP)
email policy rule to prevent sensitive data exfiltration contained in outbound emails.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Data Security
  • One of the following licenses that include the
    Enterprise DLP
    Review the Supported Platforms for details on the required license for each enforcement point.
    • Prisma Access
      CASB license
    • Next-Generation CASB for Prisma Access and NGFW (CASB-X)
    • Data Security
  • Email DLP license
Add and configure an
Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (E-DLP)
email policy so
Enterprise DLP
to prevent sensitive data exfiltration contained in outbound emails. The DLP email policy specifies the incident severity and the action
Enterprise DLP
takes when matching traffic is inspected and sensitive data is detected.
Enterprise DLP
supports inspection and detection of documents containing sensitive data that are attached to an email.
Enterprise DLP
does not support inspection of document links.
  1. Log in to
    Strata Cloud Manager
  2. (
    ) Create custom data patterns and data profiles to specify custom match criteria.
    Skip this step if you want to use the predefined
    Enterprise DLP
    data profiles available by default.
  3. Select
    SaaS Security
    Data Security
    Email DLP Policies
    Add Policy
  4. Configure the Basic Information of the email DLP policy.
    1. Enter a descriptive
    2. Specify the Evaluation Priority of the email DLP policy.
      This Evaluation Priority determines the order email DLP policy rules are evaluated.
      Select whether the new email DLP policy goes
      an existing email DLP policy.
    1. For the Email Application, select
      Microsoft Exchange
    2. Select the
      Enterprise DLP
      incident severity for when
      Enterprise DLP
      detects matching traffic.
    3. Select the
      DLP Data Profile
      to associate with the email DLP policy.
      The DLP data profile you select is used as the traffic match criteria that
      Enterprise DLP
      evaluates inspected traffic against. The data profile can be either a predefined data profile or a custom data profile.
    4. Verify that
      Enable Policy
      is toggled on.
      This setting is enabled by default when you add a new email DLP policy.
  5. (
    ) Configure the DLP email policy
    The DLP email policy conditions determine the email sender and recipient criteria for when inline inspection of email traffic should or should not be performed by
    Enterprise DLP
    . The Email DLP policy conditions have an
    relationship. This means that all email sender and recipient
    you configure must be met for
    Enterprise DLP
    to take action.
    You can configure all or only some of the DLP email policy conditions settings as needed. If no email sender or recipient conditions are configured, then all outbound email traffic is inspected by
    Enterprise DLP
    and evaluated against the data profile you selected in the previous step.
    For example, you configure the Email DLP policy conditions to inspect for the
    Sender Email Domain
    Recipient Email Domain
    only. For
    Enterprise DLP
    to take action, the email sender domain and recipient email domain must match what you have configured. In this instance,
    Enterprise DLP
    does not take action if the
    Recipient Email Domain
    1. Configure the email
      To configure the email sender conditions, you must specify whether the conditions are inclusive or exclusive of the specified email domains, user groups, or specific users.
      • Is one of
        —Inclusion condition to evaluate emails sent from an email associated with the selected email domains, user groups, or specified users against the data profile specified in the DLP email policy.
        Any emails that are not a part of the selected email domains, user groups, or specified users are not evaluated against the data profile associated with the DLP email policy.
      • Isn't one of
        —Exclusion condition to evaluate emails sent from an email not associated with the selected email domains, user groups, or specified users against the data profile specified in the DLP email policy.
        Any emails that are part of the selected email domains, user groups, or specified users are not evaluated against the data profile associated with the DLP email policy.
      1. Specify the
        Sender Email Domain
        and select one or more email domains.
        The sender email domains available to select are those you added when you connected Microsoft Exchange or Gmail.
      2. Specify the
        Sender User Group
        and select one or more user groups.
        The sender user groups are obtained from your
        Cloud Identity Engine
        (CIE) configuration. Skip this step if you don't have CIE active on
        Strata Cloud Manager
      3. Specify the
        Sender User
        and enter an email.
        Click add (
        ) to include additional sender emails.
    2. Configure the email
      To configure the email recipient conditions, you must specify whether the conditions are inclusive or exclusive of the specified email domains or specific users.
      • Is one of
        —Inclusion condition to evaluate emails to be received by an email associated with the selected email domains or specified users against the data profile specified in the DLP email policy.
        Any emails that are not a part of the selected email domains or specified users are not evaluated against the data profile associated with the DLP email policy.
      • Isn't one of
        —Exclusion condition to evaluate emails to be received by an email not associated with the selected email domains or specified users against the data profile specified in the DLP email policy.
        Any emails that are part of the selected email domains or specified users are not evaluated against the data profile associated with the DLP email policy.
      1. Specify the
        Recipient Email Domain
        and enter a valid email domain.
        Enterprise DLP
        supports all valid email domains. The email domain is the web address that follows the
        symbol in an email address. For example,
        Click add (
        ) to include additional email domains.
      2. Specify the
        Recipient User
        condition and enter an email.
        Click add (
        ) to include additional recipient emails.
      3. (
        Internal emails only
        ) Specify the
        Recipient User Group
        and select one or more user groups.
        The recipient user groups are obtained from your
        Cloud Identity Engine
        (CIE) configuration. Skip this step if you don't have CIE active on
        Strata Cloud Manager
    3. Configure the email components
      Enterprise DLP
      needs to
      Enterprise DLP
      can inspect and evaluate the
      Email Subject
      Email Body
      , and
      Email Attachment(s)
      as needed. You can select one, two, or all available evaluation criteria. At least one evaluation criterion must be selected to save the Email DLP policy rule.
  6. Configure the DLP email policy
    The DLP email policy response configuration specifies the action
    Enterprise DLP
    takes when inspected traffic matches the data profile associated with the policy.
    1. Specify the
      Enterprise DLP
      takes when inspected traffic matches the data profile associated with the policy.
      • Monitor
        —Outbound email is allowed to leave your organization to the intended recipient. A DLP incident is generated
      • Block
        —Outbound email is blocked from leaving your organization's network.
        The action Microsoft Exchange or Gmail takes on a
        verdict rendered by
        Enterprise DLP
        is based on the block transport rule you created.
      • Quarantine
        —Outbound email is transported back to the email server and quarantined. The email is forwarded to the hosted quarantine spam inbox and requires review by an email administrator before the email is allowed to leave your organization's network.
        The action Microsoft Exchange or Gmail takes on a
        verdict rendered by
        Enterprise DLP
        is based on the quarantine transport rule you created.
      • (
        Microsoft Exchange only
        Forward email for approval by end user's manager
        —Outbound email is transported back to Microsoft Exchange and sent to the sender's manager for approval. Independent review is required by the sender's manager before the email is allowed to leave your organization's network.
        The action Microsoft Exchange takes on a
        Forward email for approval by end user's manager
        verdict rendered by
        Enterprise DLP
        is based on the transport for manager approval rule you created.
      • (
        Microsoft Exchange only
        Forward email for approval admin
        —Outbound email is transported back to Microsoft Exchange and sent to the specified email admin for approval. Independent review is required by the specified email administrator before the email is allowed to leave your organization's network.
        The action Microsoft Exchange takes on a
        Forward email for approval admin
        verdict rendered by
        Enterprise DLP
        is based on the transport for admin approval rule you created.
      • Encrypt
        —Outbound email is allowed to leave your organization but is encrypted before continuing its path to the intended recipient.
        The action Microsoft Exchange takes on a
        verdict rendered by
        Enterprise DLP
        is based on the encrypt transport rule you created.
        For Microsoft Exchange, the email is transported back to Microsoft Exchange for encryption.
        For Gmail, the email is transported to your Proofpoint server for encryption.
    2. (
      ) Automatically assign an
      Incident Assignee
      Enterprise DLP
      renders a
      verdict on matching traffic.
      Strength your security posture by assigning an incident assignee to follow up on and resolve events where
      Enterprise DLP
      detects outbound emails that contain sensitive information.
    3. (
      ) Add emails to send
      to receive alerts when
      Enterprise DLP
      verdicts on inspected outbound traffic.
      Click add (
      ) to include additional emails to receive notifications.
    4. (
      Optional; Microsoft Exchange only
      ) Enable
      Send an email notification to sender
      If enabled, an email is sent to the email sender if
      Enterprise DLP
      detects sensitive data and the Email DLP policy rule Action is any of the following:
      • Forward email for approval to end user's manager
      • Forward email for approval to admin
      • Quarantine
  7. Save Policy

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