: Set up IoT Security and Cortex XSOAR for Aruba AirWave Integration

Set up IoT Security and Cortex XSOAR for Aruba AirWave Integration

Table of Contents

Set up
IoT Security
Cortex XSOAR
Aruba AirWave

Set up
IoT Security
Cortex XSOAR
to integrate with
Aruba AirWave
Cortex XSOAR
with an
Aruba AirWave
integration instance and jobs to import floor plan maps, access points, and device data from
Aruba AirWave
. You can set the jobs to run at regular intervals or on demand. The configuration requires the following information from
Aruba AirWave
  • IP or hostname for an
    Aruba AirWave
  • Username and password of the Read-Only Monitoring & Auditing account that
    Cortex XSOAR
    uses when logging in to
    Aruba AirWave
To set up
IoT Security
to integrate through a cloud-hosted
Cortex XSOAR
instance with an on-premises
Aruba AirWave
instance, you must also add a
Cortex XSOAR
engine to your network.

Cortex XSOAR
Engine Installation

An on-premises XSOAR engine facilitates communications between the
Cortex XSOAR
cloud and
Aruba AirWave
. Although it's possible to install an XSOAR engine on machines running Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems, only an engine on a Linux machine supports
IoT Security
integrations. For more information about operating system and hardware requirements, see the Cortex Administrator’s Guide.
We recommend downloading the
Cortex XSOAR
engine using the shell installer script and installing it on a Linux machine. This simplifies the deployment by automatically installing all required dependencies and also enables remote engine upgrades.
The on-premises firewall must allow the XSOAR engine to form HTTPS connections on TCP port 443 to the
cloud at https://<your-domain>.iot.demisto.live/. You can see the URL of your
Cortex XSOAR
instance when you log in to the
IoT Security
portal and click
and then click
Cortex XSOAR
. It’s visible in the address bar of the web page displaying the
Cortex XSOAR
To create an
Cortex XSOAR
engine, access the
Cortex XSOAR
interface (from the
IoT Security
portal, click
and then click
Cortex XSOAR
). In the
Cortex XSOAR
UI, click
+ Create New Engine
. Choose
as the type.
Cortex XSOAR
enging installation instructions, see Engine Installation.
For help troubleshooting
Cortex XSOAR
engines, including installations, upgrades, connectivity, and permissions, see Troubleshoot Engines and Troubleshoot Integrations Running on Engines.

IoT Security
Cortex XSOAR

  1. Log in to
    IoT Security
    , and from there access the
    Aruba AirWave
    integration settings in
    Cortex XSOAR
    1. Log in to
      IoT Security
      and then click
    2. Launch
      Cortex XSOAR
      from the
      IoT Security
      IoT Security
      Cortex XSOAR
      to integrate with
      Aruba AirWave
      . The settings you must configure are in the
      Cortex XSOAR
      interface. To access these settings from the Integrations page,
      Launch Cortex XSOAR
      . The
      Cortex XSOAR
      interface opens in a new browser tab or window.
    3. Find the
      Aruba AirWave
      in the left navigation menu. Search for
      Aruba AirWave
      to locate it among other integrations.
  2. Configure the
    Aruba AirWave
    integration instance.
    1. Click
      Add instance
      to open the settings panel.
    2. In the settings panel, configure the following settings:
      • Name
        : Use the default name of the instance or enter a new one.
        Remember the instance name because you're going to use it again when creating a job that
        Cortex XSOAR
        will run to gather device data from the
        Aruba AirWave
        instance specified in this integration instance.
      • Aruba AirWave
        IP or Hostname
        : Enter the domain URL of a cloud-hosted
        Aruba AirWave
        instance or the FQDN of an on-premises
        Aruba AirWave
      • Username
        : Enter the username of the
        Aruba AirWave
        Read-Only Monitoring & Auditing user account that you created for the
        Cortex XSOAR
        engine to use when connecting to
        Aruba AirWave
      • Password
        : Enter the password associated with the user account.
      • Use single engine
        : When using a cloud-based
        Cortex XSOAR
        instance and an on-premises
        Aruba AirWave
        server, choose the
        Cortex XSOAR
        engine that you want to communicate with the
        Aruba AirWave
    3. When finished, click
      Run test
      to test the integration instance.
      If the test is successful, a Success message appears. If not, check that the settings were entered correctly and then test the configuration again.
    4. After the test succeeds, click
      Save & exit
      to save your changes and close the settings panel.
  3. Create a job for
    Cortex XSOAR
    to query
    Aruba AirWave
    for floor plan maps and import them to
    IoT Security
    1. Create a new
      Cortex XSOAR
      Copy the name of the instance you created, click
      near the bottom of the left navigation menu, and then click
      New Job
      at the top of the page.
    2. Configure the new
      Cortex XSOAR
      In the New Job panel that appears, configure the following and leave the other settings at their default values:
      • Recurring
        : Select this if you want to periodically import floor plan maps from
        Aruba AirWave
        . Clear it if you want to import floor plan maps on demand.
      • Every
        : If you select
        , enter a number and set the interval value (Minutes, Hours, Days, or Weeks) and select the days on which to run the job. If you don't select specific days, then the job will run every day by default. This determines how often
        Cortex XSOAR
        Aruba AirWave
        for information about floor plan maps.
      • Name
        : Enter a name for the job.
      • Playbook
        : Choose
        Import Aruba AirWave VisualRF Floor Plans to PANW IoT
      • Integration Instance Name
        : Paste the instance name you copied a few moments ago.
    3. Click
      Create new job
      and verify that the job appears in the Jobs list.
  4. Create a job for
    Cortex XSOAR
    to query
    Aruba AirWave
    for device details and import them to
    IoT Security
    1. Create a new
      Cortex XSOAR
      Stay on the Jobs page, and click
      New Job
      at the top of the page.
    2. Configure the new
      Cortex XSOAR
      In the New Job panel that appears, configure the following and leave the other settings at their default values:
      • Recurring
        : Select this if you want to periodically import device details from
        Aruba AirWave
        . Clear it if you want to import device details on demand.
      • Every
        : If you select
        , enter a number and set the interval value (Minutes, Hours, Days, or Weeks) and select the days on which to run the job. If you don't select specific days, then the job will run every day by default. This determines how often
        Cortex XSOAR
        Aruba AirWave
        for information about device details.
      • Name
        : Enter a name for the job.
      • Playbook
        : Choose
        Import Aruba AirWave VisualRF Clients to PANW IoT
      • Integration Instance Name
        : Paste the same instance name you use for the floor plan maps job.
    3. Click
      Create new job
      and verify that the job appears in the Jobs list.
  5. Enable the jobs and run them.
    If you run the device detail job before the floor plans map job,
    IoT Security
    will still import device information, but the devices won't appear in the Device Location Map widget.
    1. Check the job status for the jobs you created. If the jobs are Disabled, select the appropriate checkboxes and then click
    2. Run the floor plan maps job. After you enable the jobs, select only the checkbox for the floor plan maps job and click
      Run now
      . The Run Status should change from Idle to Running.
    3. Run the device details job. Once the floor plan maps job Run Status changes to Completed, deselect that job. Select the checkbox for the clients job and click
      Run now
      . The Run Status should change from Idle to Running.
    For either job, if you selected
    Cortex XSOAR
    Aruba AirWave
    for information at the defined intervals and forwards imported information to
    IoT Security
    If you cleared
    Cortex XSOAR
    immediately queries
    Aruba AirWave
    and forwards imported information to
    IoT Security
  6. Optional
    Add more jobs for each integration instance.
    If you created more integration instances for multiple on-premises
    Aruba AirWave
    servers, add more jobs as necessary. Each
    Aruba AirWave
    server requires a separate job.
    Run the job for each integration instance you create. The first time you run a job that references an integration instance, it triggers
    Cortex XSOAR
    to report the instance to
    IoT Security
    , which then displays the integration instance on the Integrations page.
  7. Return to the
    IoT Security
    portal and check the status of the
    Aruba AirWave
    An integration instance can be in one of the following four states, which
    IoT Security
    displays in the Status column on the Integrations page:
    • Disabled
      means that either the integration was configured but intentionally disabled or it was never configured and a job that references it is enabled and running.
    • Error
      means that the integration was configured and enabled but is not functioning properly, possibly due to a configuration error or network condition.
    • Inactive
      means that the integration was configured and enabled but no job has run for at least the past 60 minutes.
    • Active
      means that the integration was configured and enabled and is functioning properly.
    When you see that the status of an integration instance is
    , its setup is complete.

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