IoT Security
Set up Aruba AirWave for Integration
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IoT Security Docs
- Firewall Deployment Options for IoT Security
- Use a Tap Interface for DHCP Visibility
- Use a Virtual Wire Interface for DHCP Visibility
- Use SNMP Network Discovery to Learn about Devices from Switches
- Use Network Discovery Polling to Discover Devices
- Use ERSPAN to Send Mirrored Traffic through GRE Tunnels
- Use DHCP Server Logs to Increase Device Visibility
- Control Allowed Traffic for Onboarding Devices
- Support Isolated Network Segments
Set up Aruba AirWave for Integration
Set up Aruba AirWave for integration with IoT Security through
Cortex XSOAR.
Where Can I Use This? | What Do I Need? |
One of the following Cortex XSOAR setups:
To connect Cortex XSOAR to Aruba AirWave,
Cortex XSOAR needs to present the credentials of a user configured in the
Aruba AirWave Management Platform (AMP).
For IoT Security and Cortex XSOAR to receive location information
through the integration, you must also configure Aruba AirWave
These integration instructions explain how to integrate IoT Security and
Cortex XSOAR with Aruba AirWave v8.3.0.1. However,
you can integrate IoT Security and Cortex XSOAR with any
Aruba AirWave version that has VisualRF. These integration
instructions assume you have already configured your sites, floor plans, and
access points (APs) using VisualRF on Aruba AirWave.
- Log in to your Aruba AirWave management platform.Log in to Aruba AirWave with an account that has administrator privileges. After logging in to the management platform, note the URL. You will need the URL when configuring the Aruba AirWave instance in Cortex XSOAR later.
- Create a Read-Only Monitoring & Auditing role to have read permissions for VisualRF.
- Click AMP SetupRoles.
- Add a new role. Configure the following in the page that appears, and leave the other settings at their default values:
- Current password: The password for the Aruba AirWave administrator account
- Name: Read-Only Monitoring & Auditing
- Enabled: Yes
- Device Access Level: Monitor (Read Only)
- VisualRF: Read Only
- Allow creation of Guest Users: No
- Add the new role.
- Create a user for the Cortex XSOAR engine to use when connecting to Aruba AirWave.
- Click AMP SetupUsers
- Add a new user. Configur the following in the page that appears, and leave the other settings at their default values:
- Current password: The password for the Aruba AirWave administrator account
- Username: A username for the user account for Cortex XSOAR
- Role: Read-Only Monitoring & Auditing
- Enabled: Yes
- Password and Confirm Password: A password for the user account
- Add the new user account.