Access Cortex XSOAR logs and playbooks from the IoT Security portal.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
IoT Security (Managed by IoT Security)
IoT Security subscription for an advanced
IoT Security product (Enterprise Plus, Industrial
OT, or Medical)
One of the following Cortex XSOAR setups:
An IoT Security Third-party Integration Add-on
license that includes a cohosted, limited-featured
Cortex XSOAR instance
A full-featured Cortex XSOAR server
You can use these tools to check on integration
activity within Cortex XSOAR from the convenience of the IoT Security
XSOAR Playbooks
IoT Security provides a simple mechanism to
download logs from your cloud-hosted Cortex XSOAR instance so you
can check data exchanges with third-party integrations and XSOAR
engine connectivity. The logs are particularly useful for troubleshooting.
For example, if you imported device attributes from a wireless controller,
you can look at logs showing all the device attributes that XSOAR
imported. If you sent alerts or vulnerabilities to an asset management
system like Nuvolo or ServiceNow or device updates to a NAC system
like Aruba Clearpass, you can see when they were sent.
logs might contain data for devices that aren't in the IoT Security
inventory but that XSOAR received from the wireless controller.
Download XSOAR logs.
Log in to IoT Security, navigate to Integrations,
and then Download XSOAR logs.
IoT Security
downloads a zip file containing a compressed set of XSOAR logs.
The download takes approximately 10 seconds to complete and the
file name consists of the name xsoar_log +
a timestamp, such as
Save the zip file on your management system and extract the
files within it.
Each log file can be up to 10 MB and typically
contain data for the past two or three days.
Refer to the logs to check on various XSOAR server and
engine activities.
The server.log contains
an historical record of the various integration activities in which
the hosted XSOAR server engaged such as device quarantines, vulnerability
scans, and alert notifications.
When an integration requires an XSOAR engine, the d1.log inside the <engine-name>-log.tar.gz file
contains a similar record of integration activities running on an
XSOAR engine.
The <engine-name>-<date>-log.tar.gz file
also contains useful information for resolving issues with XSOAR
engine installations.
Depending on whether an integration is between a hosted XSOAR
instance and a cloud-based third-party system or between an on-premises
XSOAR engine and an on-premises third-party system, you can find
all the device attributes that XSOAR imported for each MAC address
listed in either the server.log or d1.log.
you can see log data for Aruba ClearPass, Cisco Prime, and Cisco
DNA Center.
In the
above screen capture, there are two d1.log files. When a file reaches
its maximum size of 10 MB, XSOAR saves the first d1.log file with
a timestamp as part of its filename and starts making a new d1.log file.
When you initiate an action in IoT Security
that involves a third-party integration–for example sending an alert
or vulnerability or quarantining a device—the pop-up panel includes
a link that takes you to an XSOAR playbook to see an overview of
the task (referred to as "incident" in XSOAR) and the status of
each step in the flow.
the link in IoT Security to open the corresponding playbook in Cortex
XSOAR, you must already be logged in to your XSOAR instance before
clicking it.
The green boxes in the playbook indicate
that a particular step was successfully performed. Following the
path through the playbook gives you feedback about whether an action
was carried out successfully or, if not, where the process changed
a box in a playbook opens a side panel in the Cortex XSOAR UI with
an explanation of that step.
This gives
you visibility into the integration workflow and assists you in
making changes if required.