PoE Overview

PoE Overview

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End-of-Life (EoL)

PoE Overview

Learn about the Palo Alto Networks® firewalls that support PoE.
This table lists each Palo Alto Networks® Next-Generation firewall with PoE ports as well as the maximum power they offer, the total allowed power budget, and the interface types they support.
FirewallPoE PortsMaximum Reserved Power (per port)Total PoE Budget Allowed (all ports)Supported Interface Types
PA-415 and PA-445
6, 7, 8, and 9
  • Aggregate Ethernet (AE)
  • High Availability (HA)
  • Layer 2
  • Layer 3
  • Tap
  • Virtual Wire
PA-1410 and PA-1420
9, 10, 11, and 12
Select DashboardWidgetsSystemInterfaces to display the current status of each port. PoE ports are denoted with a lightning bolt icon. Hovering the mouse over a PoE port icon displays PoE status, allocated power, used power, and other configured details.
Similarly, select DashboardWidgetsSystemPoE Power Budget to display a donut chart that confirms the available power on the firewall and helps you decide which PDs to connect to the PoE ports.