: Show and Manage GlobalProtect Users (API)

Show and Manage GlobalProtect Users (API)

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Show and Manage GlobalProtect Users (API)

One common use of the PAN-OS XML API is to manage GlobalProtect users. You can use two API requests to view and then disconnect a Global Protect user who has been logged in for too long.
  1. View all GlobalProtect users.
    Make a request to view all GlobalProtect users:
    curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?type=op&cmd=<show><global-protect-gateway><current-user/> </global-protect-gateway></show>'
    Code copied to clipboard
    Unable to copy due to lack of browser support.
    The response contains a list of users along with related information including IP addresses, logins, and client information:
    <response status="success"> <result> <entry> <domain/> <islocal>yes</islocal> <username>dward</username> <computer>Dan’s iPhone</computer> <client>Apple iOS 8.1.2</client> <vpn-type>Device Level VPN</vpn-type> <virtual-ip></virtual-ip> <public-ip></public-ip> <tunnel-type>SSL</tunnel-type> <login-time>Jan.22 01:50:36</login-time> <login-time-utc>1421916636</login-time-utc> <lifetime>2592000</lifetime> </entry> </result> </response>
    The <login-time-utc> field is the login date/time in UNIX time format (number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 1 Jan 1970). To find the list of users, filter the output for this field and compare the <login-time-utc> value to current date and time (or another date and time).
  2. Disconnect a GlobalProtect user.
    Upon identifying the user that you want to disconnect, send a request that includes the GlobalProtect gateway, username, computer, and aforce-logout reason:
    curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?type=op&cmd=<request><global-protect-gateway><client-logout> <gateway>Home-N</gateway><user>dward</user><reason>force-logout</reason> <computer>Dan’s%20iPhone</computer></client-logout></global-protect-gateway> </request>'
    Code copied to clipboard
    Unable to copy due to lack of browser support.
    A successful response shows that the user has been successfully disconnected:
    <response status="success"> <result> <response status="success"> <gateway>Home-N</gateway> <domain>(null)</domain> <user>dward</user> <computer>Dan’s iPhone</computer> </response> </result> </response>