Features Introduced in Prisma SD-WAN Release 5.3.1
Learn about the new features and enhancements for Prisma
SD-WAN Release 5.3.1.
New Feature/Enhancement
MAP View and Filtering
The Prisma SD-WAN portal
MAP tab has been enhanced with the following
Upon user login, the Prisma SD-WAN portal
opens on the MAP/Topology page with a view of branch and
data center sites.
The Dashboard view is still available and can be accessed by
clicking CloudGenix at the top left of the screen.
For each user, on all of the MAPpages
(Topology, Sites, Claimed and Unclaimed Devices), any filters
and Map settings applied including the stoplight color
preferences, will be retained and persist across sessions with
the controller UI.
The blue badge on top of the filter icon is a visual indicator
that a filter criterion has been set, with the number indicating
how many filters have been applied.
MAP Settings include Site
On the Map, a Site's status color can now be
changed from the default to be viewed by connectivity. Each site's
connectivity is computed based on the status of its VPN overlay
connections. The current default view based off the site's standing
alarms still remains.
Summary Indicator Bar to View Distribution
of Site Connectivity
When Site Connectivity is selected from MAP
Settings, a Summary Indicator Bar appears on the top of
the screen. Click on the color bar for a graphical view of the site
connectivity summary. From the graphical view, click a color in the
chart legend to navigate directly to the filtered site list. For
example, to view sites with full connectivity, click Green.