CGCBL-969 | Resolved an issue where Prisma Access Endpoint Liveliness
Probes maybe set to instead of the Infrastructure IP. |
CGCBL-959 | Resolved an issue when using the “prisma_ha_primary” tag
on the Active ION could cause the site to fail on-boarding to Prisma
Access. |
CGCBL-1001 | Resolved an issue where removing ECMP Bundle from the
Prisma SD-WAN site tag configuration does not delete the Remote Network
resources in Prisma Access. |
CGCBL-1052 | Resolved an issue where during migration of Prisma Access
(Panorama managed) CloudBlade from version 2.0.3 to version 3.1.3 with
ECMP tunnels without tags at the interface level or circuit level, the
tunnels are lost. |
CGCBL-1055 | Resolved an issue for Non Aggregate to Aggregate
Bandwidth migration, where the ECMP Bundles were created only using site
level tag (no tags on interfaces). The CloudBlade was unable to
recognise the correct tunnels, and hence was removing these tunnels
during first run, post migration. |