Prisma SD-WAN and Azure Integration Prerequisites
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Prisma SD-WAN and Azure Integration Prerequisites
The following items are required for
configuring Prisma SD-WAN and Azure Virtual WAN with vION CloudBlade:
Prisma SD-WAN
An Azure account with permissions to create and update
Azure Resource Groups, VNET (Virtual Network), and Virtual Machines.
Azure vWAN uses the following list of APIs with vION CloudBlade.
- subscriptions.get()
- subscriptions.list_locations()
- resource_groups.create_or_update()
- resource_groups.check_existence()
- resource_groups.get()
- resource_groups.begin_delete()
- resources.list_by_resource_group()
- resources.get()
- resources.get_by_id()
- resources.begin_delete_by_id()
- deployments.get()
- deployments.begin_validate()
- deployments.begin_create_or_update()
- deployments.list_by_resource_group()
- deployments.delete()
- subnets.begin_create_or_update()
- network_interfaces.begin_create_or_update()
- security_rules.begin_create_or_update()
- virtual_hub_bgp_connection.begin_create_or_update()
- virtual_hub_bgp_connections.list()
- virtual_hub_bgp_connection.begin_delete()
- hub_virtual_network_connections.get()
- hub_virtual_network_connections.list()
- hub_virtual_network_connections.begin_delete()
- virtual_wans.get()
- virtual_hubs.begin_delete()
- network_security_groups.get()
- resources()
- AuthenticationContext()
- acquire_token_with_client_credentials()
As the Azure vWAN with vION CloudBlade automates the
deployments of Virtual Machines through API calls, you must
enable the programmatic access through
the Azure portal.
resource group with Azure
vWAN with a single or multiple
Virtual Hub, defined for
the regions of deployment (Brownfield Deployments only).
To enable the
Azure BGP peering with
the Virtual WAN hub feature in this release, you must contact the
Azure team with the Resource ID of your Virtual WAN resource.