: AWS Transit Gateway CloudBlade Version 2.0.0

AWS Transit Gateway CloudBlade Version 2.0.0

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AWS Transit Gateway CloudBlade Version 2.0.0

This topic contains important features and caveats of the AWS Transit Gateway CloudBlade Version 2.0.0. The default virtual ION version for this CloudBlade is
5.5.3 b-2

New/Updated Features

  1. From version 2.0.0 onwards, particular region(s) can be directly removed from the CloudBlade configuration screen. This was earlier possible only by disabling the CloudBlade.
  2. The
    tab now shows if a deployment fails or if any exceptions occur during deployment and points to the cause of the disruption.
  3. During roll back, when the CloudBlade is disabled, it removes / deletes all resources created in the AWS environment and the Prisma SD-WAN environment.
  4. You can now replace the
    TGW ID
    in a region and the connection gets established with the new TGW ID.

Changes to Default Behavior

  • If you are currently using version 1.0.0 of the AWS Transit Gateway CloudBlade, go to the CloudBlade configuration page and select version 2.0.0 for a seamless upgrade.
  • When you roll back the AWS Transit Gateway CloudBlade from version 2.0.0 to version 1.0.0, you must disable version 1.0.0 and re-deploy the CloudBlade.

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