: Zscaler Location Gateway Options

Zscaler Location Gateway Options

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Zscaler Location Gateway Options

Lets see the Zscaler Location Gateway Options in Prisma SD-WAN.
CloudBlade version 1.2.2 supports the following gateway options:
Corresponding Prisma Access for NetworksTag
Use XFF from Client Request
Gateway Options: <True | False>Sub Locations: Disabled
Enforce Zscaler App SSL Setting
Enable SSL Inspection
Enforce Firewall Control
<True | False>
Enforce Authentication
<True | False>
Enable IP Surrogate
<True | False>Idle time: <val>Idle time metric: <minutes | hours | days>
Enable Surrogate IP for KnownBrowsers
<True | False>Refresh time: <val>Refresh time metric: <minutes | hours | days>
Enable Caution
<True | False>
Enable AUP
<True | False>Frequency (days): <val>Block Internet Access: <True | False>Force SSL Inspection: <True False>

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