Troubleshoot Issues on SaaS Security Inline
SaaS Security

Troubleshoot Issues on SaaS Security Inline

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Troubleshoot Issues on SaaS Security Inline

Learn how to troubleshoot issues on SaaS Security Inline, including onboarding and licensing failures.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • NGFW (Managed by Panorama or Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama or Strata Cloud Manager)
  • SaaS Security Inline license
  • NGFW or Prisma Access license
Or any of the following licenses that include the SaaS Security Inline license:
  • CASB-X
The issues you might encounter with SaaS Security Inline depend on your platform:

Troubleshoot Issues on SaaS Security Inline for Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)

As you use SaaS Security Inline, you might encounter errors. The most common errors are related to a missing license. Policy management is a team effort: to avoid these errors, it’s imperative that all Prisma Access administrators verify licensing before using SaaS Security Inline and configure and manage SaaS policy rule recommendations with guidelines in mind.
New recommendations are not displaying in Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager).
If the SaaS Security Inline license expires, the Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager) no longer pulls SaaS policy recommendations, so you can’t see new recommendations. However, SaaS policy recommendations that you already imported and applied as Security policy continue to work.
Renew your SaaS Security Inline license.
When your Web Security administrator attempts to import and commit a recommendation that uses a data profile, the operation fails with DLP profile is not a valid reference message.
The NGFW must have an Enterprise DLP license to have a valid SaaS policy rule recommendation that uses data profiles—even if you have an Enterprise DLP license on another platform.
The SaaS Security Team recommends one of the following options:
  • Buy an Enterprise DLP license.
  • Remove the data profile from the SaaS policy rule recommendation.
You have automatic updates enabled and an update to an existing rule recommendation fails.
When an update fails,Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager) retries every hour until the update succeeds. Such failures often correct themselves over the next polling cycle, when an ACE update occurs and new SaaS app signatures are made available to identify the SaaS apps identified in the rule recommendation.
Wait one hour, then click on the Last update failed link, and use the information provided to resolve the issue.

Troubleshoot Issues on SaaS Security Inline for NGFW

As you use SaaS Security Inline, you or your NGFW administrator might encounter errors if you inadvertently missed a step during SaaS Security Inline onboarding or ACE deployment. The most common errors are related to a missing license. Deployment is a team effort: to avoid these errors, it’s imperative that you work with your NGFW administrator to verify licensing before using SaaS Security Inline. In addition to the errors outlined below, there are other errors that display on the NGFW itself.
New recommendations are not are displayed in the NGFW web interface.
If the SaaS Security Inline license expires, the NGFW no longer pulls SaaS policy recommendations, so you cannot see new recommendations. However, SaaS policy recommendations that you already imported and applied as Security policy continue to work.
Renew your SaaS Security Inline license.
Can’t import recommendations that define specific SaaS apps.
If you disable ACE, the NGFW no longer receives new cloud application signatures and App-IDs and the NGFW cannot import SaaS policy recommendations based on new ACE App-IDs.
Re-enable ACE.
When you log in to your NGFW web interface, SaaS Security license is required for feature to function message displays in the footer.
The NGFW is missing the required SaaS Security Inline license.
After you activate, your NGFW administrator must retrieve the license keys from the license server.
When your NGFW administrator attempts to import and commit a recommendation that uses a data profile, the operation fails with Unknown data-filtering profile name message.
The NGFW must have an Enterprise DLP license to have a valid SaaS policy rule recommendation that uses data profiles—even if you have an Enterprise DLP license on another platform.
The SaaS Security Team recommends one of the following options:
  • Buy an Enterprise DLP license.
  • Remove the data profile from the SaaS policy rule recommendation.