: Send Work Orders to AIMS

Send Work Orders to AIMS

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Send Work Orders to AIMS

Send security alerts and vulnerabilities from
IoT Security
as work orders through
Cortex XSOAR
to AIMS.
  1. Log in to
    IoT Security
    and find a device with an asset tag that has a security alert or vulnerability.
    AIMS only accepts work orders for devices that are in its system and that it can identify by its asset tag.
    1. To see which devices have asset tags, click the column picker icon (
      ) to show the Asset Tag column if it’s hidden.
    2. Click the Asset Tag column heading to sort devices alphanumerically by asset tags. (Clicking a second time reverses their order and clicking a third time returns to the default sorting order by data.)
    3. Look among the devices with asset tags for one that’s impacted by a security alert or vulnerability for which you want to create a work order. Those with higher risk scores are likely to have alerts or vulnerabilities associated with them.
    4. Note the device name and the related alert or vulnerability.
  2. Generate a work order in the
    IoT Security
    portal from a security alert or vulnerability and send it to AIMS.
    1. To create a work order for a security alert, click
      Security Alerts
      , select the security alert for the impacted device you noted on the Devices page, and then click
      Send to
      To create a work order for a vulnerability, click
      , click the name of the vulnerability you noted earlier, select the device name in the Instances column, and then click
      Send to
      The Send to AIMS dialog box appears.
    2. Choose someone to assign the work order to in the Assign to list, choose a severity level in the Priority list, and enter a note in the Add Comments field.
      After you’ve configured these three required settings, the Send button changes from gray to blue, indicating that you can proceed.
    3. Send
      the work order to AIMS.
      After you click
      , a link appears. When you click it, a new browser window opens to the XSOAR playbook for this action.
    4. To confirm that the work order was sent, click the link to the XSOAR playbook for this action.
      For the link in
      IoT Security
      to open the corresponding playbook in
      Cortex XSOAR
      , you must already be logged in to your XSOAR instance before clicking it.
      The green boxes in the playbook indicate that a particular step was successfully performed. Following the path through the playbook gives you feedback about whether an action was carried out successfully or, if not, where the process changed course.
      Also refresh the Security Alerts or Vulnerability Details page and hover your cursor over the entry in the Last Action column for the alert or the Vulnerability Responses column for the vulnerability instance for which you sent a work order.

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