: Device > Data Redistribution > Include/Exclude Networks

Device > Data Redistribution > Include/Exclude Networks

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Device > Data Redistribution > Include/Exclude Networks

Use the Include/Exclude Networks list to define the subnetworks that the redistribution agent includes or excludes when it redistributes the mappings.
To limit discovery to a specific subnetwork, Add a subnetwork profile and complete the following fields:
  • Name—Enter a name to identify the subnetwork.
  • Enabled—Select this option to enable inclusion or exclusion of the subnetwork for server monitoring.
  • Discovery—Select whether the User-ID agent will Include or Exclude the subnetwork.
  • Network Address—Enter the IP address range of the subnetwork.
The agent applies an implicit exclude all rule to the list. For example, if you add subnetwork with the Include option, the agent excludes all other subnetworks even if you don’t add them to the list. Add entries with the Exclude option only if you want the agent to exclude a subset of the subnetworks you explicitly included. For example, if you add with the Include option and add with the Exclude option, the User-ID agent will perform discovery on all the subnetworks of except, and will exclude all subnetworks outside of If you add Exclude profiles without adding any Include profiles, the agent excludes all subnetworks, not just the ones you added.
To remove a subnetwork from the list, select and Delete it.
Tip: To remove a subnetwork from the Include/Exclude Networks list without deleting its configuration, edit the subnetwork profile and clear Enabled.
Custom Include/Exclude Network
By default, the agent evaluates the subnetworks in the order you add them, from top-first to bottom-last. To change the evaluation order, click Custom Include/Exclude Network Sequence. You can then Add, Delete, Move Up, or Move Down the subnetworks to create a custom evaluation order.