: Install Panorama on vCloud Air

Install Panorama on vCloud Air

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Install Panorama on vCloud Air

Use these instructions to install a new Panorama virtual appliance in VMware vCloud Air. If you are upgrading a Panorama virtual appliance deployed in vCloud Air, skip to Install Content and Software Updates for Panorama.
  1. Download the Panorama 10.0 base image Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) file.
    1. Go to the Palo Alto Networks software downloads site. (If you can’t log in, go to the Palo Alto Networks Customer Support web site for assistance.)
    2. In the Download column in the Panorama Base Images section, download the Panorama 10.0 release OVA file (Panorama-ESX-10.0.0.ova).
  2. Import the Panorama image to the vCloud Air catalog.
    For details on these steps, refer to the OVF Tool User’s Guide.
    1. Install the OVF Tool on your client system.
    2. Access the client system CLI.
    3. Navigate to the OVF Tool directory (for example, C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool).
    4. Convert the OVA file to an OVF package:
      ovftool.exe <OVA‑file‑pathname> <OVF‑file‑pathname> 
    5. Use a browser to access the vCloud Air web console, select your Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand location, and record the browser URL. You will use the URL information to complete the next step. The URL format is: https://<virtual‑cloud‑location>.vchs.vmware.com/compute/cloud/org/<vCloud‑account‑number>/#/catalogVAppTemplateList?catalog=<catalog‑ID>.
    6. Import the OVF package, using the information from the vCloud Air URL to complete the <virtual‑cloud‑location>, <vCloud‑account‑number>, and <catalog‑ID> variables. The other variables are your vCloud Air username and domain <user>@<domain>, a virtual data center <datacenter>, and a vCloud Air template <template>.
      ovftool.exe -st="OVF" "<OVF‑file‑pathname>" "vcloud://<user>@<domain>:password@<virtual-cloud-location>.vchs.vmware.com?vdc=<datacenter>&org=<vCloud-account-number>&vappTemplate=<template>.ovf&catalog=default-catalog" 
  3. Install Panorama.
    1. Access the vCloud Air web console and select your Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand region.
    2. Create a Panorama virtual machine. For the steps, refer to Add a Virtual Machine from a Template in the vCloud Air Documentation Center. Configure the CPU, Memory and Storage as follows:
  4. Create vCloud Air NAT rules on the gateway to allow inbound and outbound traffic for the Panorama virtual appliance.
    Refer to Add a NAT Rule in the vCloud Air Documentation Center for the detailed instructions:
    1. Add a NAT rule that allows Panorama to receive traffic from the firewalls and allows administrators to access Panorama.
    2. Add a NAT rule that allows Panorama to retrieve updates from the Palo Alto Networks update server and to access the firewalls.
  5. Create a vCloud Air firewall rule to allow inbound traffic on the Panorama virtual appliance.
    Outbound traffic is allowed by default.
    Refer to Add a Firewall Rule in the vCloud Air Documentation Center for the detailed instructions.
  6. Power on the Panorama virtual appliance if it isn’t already on.
    In the vCloud Air web console, select the Virtual Machines tab, select the Panorama virtual machine, and click Power On.