Migrate Logs to a New M-Series Appliance Model in Panorama Mode in High Availability
Table of Contents
10.0 (EoL)
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- Determine Panorama Log Storage Requirements
- Setup Prerequisites for the Panorama Virtual Appliance
- Perform Initial Configuration of the Panorama Virtual Appliance
- Set Up The Panorama Virtual Appliance as a Log Collector
- Set Up the Panorama Virtual Appliance with Local Log Collector
- Set up a Panorama Virtual Appliance in Panorama Mode
- Set up a Panorama Virtual Appliance in Management Only Mode
- Preserve Existing Logs When Adding Storage on Panorama Virtual Appliance in Legacy Mode
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on an ESXi Server
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on vCloud Air
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on Alibaba Cloud
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on AWS
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on Azure
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on Google Cloud Platform
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on Hyper-V
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on KVM
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
- Mount the Panorama ESXi Server to an NFS Datastore
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on an ESXi Server
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on vCloud Air
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on Alibaba Cloud
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on AWS
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on Azure
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on Google Cloud Platform
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on Hyper-V
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on KVM
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
- Complete the Panorama Virtual Appliance Setup
- Convert Your Evaluation Panorama to a Production Panorama with Local Log Collector
- Convert Your Evaluation Panorama to a Production Panorama without Local Log Collector
- Convert Your Evaluation Panorama to VM-Flex Licensing with Local Log Collector
- Convert Your Evaluation Panorama to VM-Flex Licensing without Local Log Collector
- Convert Your Production Panorama to an ELA Panorama
- Register Panorama
- Activate a Panorama Support License
- Activate/Retrieve a Firewall Management License when the Panorama Virtual Appliance is Internet-connected
- Activate/Retrieve a Firewall Management License when the Panorama Virtual Appliance is not Internet-connected
- Activate/Retrieve a Firewall Management License on the M-Series Appliance
- Install the Panorama Device Certificate
- Panorama, Log Collector, Firewall, and WildFire Version Compatibility
- Install Updates for Panorama in an HA Configuration
- Install Updates for Panorama with an Internet Connection
- Install Updates for Panorama When Not Internet-Connected
- Install Updates Automatically for Panorama without an Internet Connection
- Migrate Panorama Logs to the New Log Format
- Migrate from a Panorama Virtual Appliance to an M-Series Appliance
- Migrate a Panorama Virtual Appliance to a Different Hypervisor
- Migrate from an M-Series Appliance to a Panorama Virtual Appliance
- Migrate from an M-100 Appliance to an M-500 Appliance
- Migrate from an M-100 or M-500 Appliance to an M-200 or M-600 Appliance
- Configure an Admin Role Profile
- Configure an Access Domain
- Configure a Panorama Administrator Account
- Configure Local or External Authentication for Panorama Administrators
- Configure a Panorama Administrator with Certificate-Based Authentication for the Web Interface
- Configure an Administrator with SSH Key-Based Authentication for the CLI
- Configure RADIUS Authentication for Panorama Administrators
- Configure TACACS+ Authentication for Panorama Administrators
- Configure SAML Authentication for Panorama Administrators
- Add a Firewall as a Managed Device
- Add a Device Group
- Create a Device Group Hierarchy
- Create Objects for Use in Shared or Device Group Policy
- Revert to Inherited Object Values
- Manage Unused Shared Objects
- Manage Precedence of Inherited Objects
- Move or Clone a Policy Rule or Object to a Different Device Group
- Push a Policy Rule to a Subset of Firewalls
- Manage the Rule Hierarchy
- Manage the Master Key from Panorama
- Redistribute Data to Managed Firewalls
- Add Standalone WildFire Appliances to Manage with Panorama
- Remove a WildFire Appliance from Panorama Management
- Configure a Cluster and Add Nodes on Panorama
- Configure General Cluster Settings on Panorama
- Remove a Cluster from Panorama Management
- Configure Appliance-to-Appliance Encryption Using Predefined Certificates Centrally on Panorama
- Configure Appliance-to-Appliance Encryption Using Custom Certificates Centrally on Panorama
- View WildFire Cluster Status Using Panorama
- Upgrade a Cluster Centrally on Panorama with an Internet Connection
- Upgrade a Cluster Centrally on Panorama without an Internet Connection
- Manage Licenses on Firewalls Using Panorama
- Supported Updates
- Schedule a Content Update Using Panorama
- Upgrade Log Collectors When Panorama Is Internet-Connected
- Upgrade Log Collectors When Panorama Is Not Internet-Connected
- Upgrade Firewalls When Panorama Is Internet-Connected
- Upgrade Firewalls When Panorama Is Not Internet-Connected
- Upgrade a ZTP Firewall
- Revert Content Updates from Panorama
- Preview, Validate, or Commit Configuration Changes
- Enable Automated Commit Recovery
- Compare Changes in Panorama Configurations
- Manage Locks for Restricting Configuration Changes
- Add Custom Logos to Panorama
- Use the Panorama Task Manager
- Reboot or Shut Down Panorama
- Configure Panorama Password Profiles and Complexity
- Verify Panorama Port Usage
- Resolve Zero Log Storage for a Collector Group
- Replace a Failed Disk on an M-Series Appliance
- Replace the Virtual Disk on an ESXi Server
- Replace the Virtual Disk on vCloud Air
- Migrate Logs to a New M-Series Appliance in Log Collector Mode
- Migrate Logs to a New M-Series Appliance in Panorama Mode
- Migrate Logs to a New M-Series Appliance Model in Panorama Mode in High Availability
- Migrate Logs to the Same M-Series Appliance Model in Panorama Mode in High Availability
- Migrate Log Collectors after Failure/RMA of Non-HA Panorama
- Regenerate Metadata for M-Series Appliance RAID Pairs
- View Log Query Jobs
- Troubleshoot Commit Failures
- Troubleshoot Registration or Serial Number Errors
- Troubleshoot Reporting Errors
- Troubleshoot Device Management License Errors
- Troubleshoot Automatically Reverted Firewall Configurations
- Complete Content Update When Panorama HA Peer is Down
- View Task Success or Failure Status
- Downgrade from Panorama 10.0
End-of-Life (EoL)
Migrate Logs to a New M-Series Appliance Model in Panorama Mode in High Availability
When you request an RMA, use this procedure to migrate
logs from a decommissioned M-Series appliance in a HA pair to a
new M-Series appliance of a different model.
If you need to replace an M-600, M-500, M-200
or M-100 appliance in Panorama mode (Panorama management server)
with a different M-Series appliance than the M-Series appliance
being replaced, you can migrate the logs it collected from firewalls
by moving its RAID disks to the new M-Series appliance. Moving the
disks enables you to migrate logs as part of a hardware upgrade
(from an M-100 appliance to an M-500 appliance). You can migrate
an M-100 appliance to and from an M-500 appliance. M-100 and M-500
appliances cannot be migrated to or from M-200 or M-600 appliances.
Migrating logs by removing the logging disks
from any M-Series appliance and
loading them into an M-600 Panorama management server is not supported.
To migrate to an M-600 appliance, set up the M-600
appliance, configure log forwarding
to the new M-600 appliance and configure the M-Series
appliance as a managed Log Collector until you no longer
needed access to the logs stored on the M-Series appliance.
migration procedure covers the following scenarios:
- One Panorama HA peer has a managed collector (Log Collector) in a Collector Group.

- Both Panorama HA peers have managed collectors that belong to a single Collector Group. For details, see Multiple Local Log Collectors Per Collector Group.
- Both Panorama HA peers have a managed collector and each is assigned to a separate Collector Group. For details, see Single Local Log Collector Per Collector Group.
- Forward
any logs on the SSD of the old M-Series appliance to an external
destination if you want to preserve them.The SSD stores the System and Config logs that Panorama and Log Collectors generate. You cannot move the SSD between M-Series appliances.
- Export the Panorama configuration from the Primary decommissioned
M-Series appliance in Panorama mode.
- Log in to the Panorama Web Interface of the M-Series appliance you are replacing and select PanoramaSetupOperations.
- Click Save named Panorama configuration snapshot, enter a Name to identify the configuration, and click OK.
- Click Export named Panorama configuration snapshot, select the Name of the configuration you just saved, and click OK. Panorama exports the configuration to your client system as an XML file.
- Remove
the RAID disks from the old M-Series appliance.
- Power off the old M-Series appliance by pressing the Power button until the system shuts down.
- Remove the disk pairs. For details, refer to the disk replacement procedure in the M-Series Appliance Hardware Reference Guides.
- Perform
initial setup of the new M-Series appliance.Repeat this step for each of the new M-Series appliances in the HA configuration.
- Rack mount the M-Series appliance. Refer to the M-Series Appliance Hardware Reference Guides for instructions.
- Perform Initial Configuration of the M-Series Appliance.
- Register Panorama.
- Purchase and activate
a Panorama support license or transfer licenses as follows
only if the new M-Series appliance is the same hardware model as
the old M-Series appliance. If the new M-Series appliance is a different model
than the old M-Series appliance, you must purchase new licenses.
- Log in to the Palo Alto Networks Customer Support web site.
- Select the Assets tab and click the Spares link.
- Click the Serial Number of the new M-Series appliance.
- Click Transfer Licenses.
- Select the old M-Series appliance and click Submit.
- Activate a firewall management license. If you are migrating from an M-100 appliance to an M-500 appliance, enter the auth-code associated with the migration license.
- Install Content and Software Updates for Panorama. For important details about software versions, see Panorama, Log Collector, Firewall, and WildFire Version Compatibility.
- Set Up HA on Panorama. The new M-Series appliance must have the same priority as the HA peer you are replacing.
- Load the Panorama configuration snapshot that you exported
from the Primary decommissioned M-Series appliance into the new
Primary M-Series appliance in Panorama mode.
- Log in to the Panorama Web Interface of the new M-Series appliance and select PanoramaSetupOperations.
- Click Import named Panorama configuration snapshot, Browse to the configuration file you exported from the decommissioned M-Series appliance, and click OK.
- Click Load named Panorama configuration
snapshot, select the Name of
the configuration you just imported, select a Decryption
Key (the master key for Panorama),
and click OK. Panorama overwrites its current
candidate configuration with the loaded configuration. Panorama
displays any errors that occur when loading the configuration file.
If errors occurred, save them to a local file. Resolve each error
to ensure the migrated configuration is valid.To replace an RMA Panorama, make sure you Retain Rule UUIDs when you load the named Panorama configuration snapshot. If you do not select this option, Panorama removes all previous rule UUIDs from the configuration snapshot and assigns new UUIDs to the rules on Panorama, which means it does not retain information associated with the previous UUIDs, such as the policy rule hit count.
- Perform any additional configuration changes as needed. If the old M-Series appliance used interfaces other than the MGT interface for Panorama services (such as log collection), you must define those interfaces on the new M-Series appliance (PanoramaSetupInterfaces).
- Select CommitCommit to Panorama and Validate Commit. Resolve any errors before proceeding.
- Commit your changes to the Panorama configuration. Once committed, the Panorama configuration is synced across the HA peers.
- Insert
the disks into the new M-Series appliance. For details, refer to
the disk replacement procedure in the M-Series Appliance Hardware Reference Guides.Repeat this step for each of the new M-Series appliances in the HA configuration.The disk carriers of the M-100 appliance are incompatible with those of the M-500 appliance. Therefore, when migrating between these hardware models, you must unscrew each disk from its old carrier and insert the disk in the new carrier before inserting the disk in the new appliance.You must maintain the disk pair association. Although you can place a disk pair from slot A1/A2 on the old appliance into slot B1/B2 on the new appliance, you must keep the disks together in the same slot; otherwise, Panorama might not restore the data successfully.
- Contact Palo Alto Networks Customer Support to copy log collector group metadata from the decommissioned M-Series appliance to the new M-Series appliance and restart the mgmtsrvr process.
- If the M-Series appliance was part of a Collector Group,
verify that the decommissioned M-Series appliance serial number
is still part of the correct Collector Group:debug log-collector-group show name <Log CollectorGroup name>If the decommissioned M-Series appliance serial number is no longer a part of the correct Collector Group, then the Tech Support folders were incorrectly copied in the previous step. Contact Palo Alto Networks Customer Support again to copy the Tech Support folders to the correct location.
- Prepare the disks for migration.Generating the metadata for each disk pair rebuilds the indexes. Therefore, depending on the data size, this process can take a long time to complete. To expedite the process, you can launch multiple CLI sessions and run the metadata regeneration command in each session to complete the process simultaneously for every pair. For details, see Regenerate Metadata for M-Series Appliance RAID Pairs.
- Enable the disk pairs by running the following
CLI command for each pair:
admin> request system raid add <slot> force no-format
For example:admin> request system raid add A1 force no-format admin> request system raid add A2 force no-format
The force and no-format arguments are required. The force argument associates the disk pair with the new appliance. The no-format argument prevents reformatting of the drives and retains the logs stored on the disks. - Generate the metadata for each disk pair.This step may take up to 6 hours depending on the volume of log data on the disks.
admin> request metadata-regenerate slot <slot_number>
For example:admin> request metadata-regenerate slot 1
- Enable the disk pairs by running the following
CLI command for each pair:
- Configure the local Log Collector on the new M-Series
appliance.For all steps with commands that require a serial number, you must type the entire serial number; pressing the Tab key won’t complete a partial serial number.Don’t enable the disks on the new M-Series appliance at this point. When you successfully migrate the logs, Panorama automatically enables the disks.
- Configure the local Log Collector as a managed
collector using the Panorama web interface or using the following
CLI commands:
admin> configure admin# set log-collector <log-collector_SN> deviceconfig system hostname <log-collector-hostname> admin# exit
- Commit your changes to Panorama. Don’t commit the
changes to the Collector Group just yet.
admin> configure admin# commit
- Verify that the local Log Collector is connected to
Panorama and that the status of its disk pairs is present/available.
admin> show log-collector serial-number <log-collector_SN>
The disk pairs will display as disabled at this stage of the restoration process.
- Configure the local Log Collector as a managed
collector using the Panorama web interface or using the following
CLI commands:
- Add a Log Collector with no disks to a Collector Group.From this point, only commits that are required to complete the migration process on Panorama and the Log Collectors. Hold off making any other changes.
- Access the Panorama CLI of the new M-Series appliance.
- Overwrite Panorama restriction to allow Log Collector with no disk to be added to a Collector Group: requestlog-migration-set-start
- Commit the changes to Panorama.
admin> configure admin# commit force
- Migrate the logs.
- Access the Panorama CLI of the new M-Series appliance.
- Add the new local Log Collector as a member of the
Collector Group and commit your changes to Panorama.
admin# set log-collector-group <collector_group_name> logfwd-setting collectors <SN_managed_collector> admin# commit admin# exit
The old local Log Collector still appears in the list of members, because you haven’t deleted it from the configuration. - For each disk pair, migrate the logs to the new appliance.
admin> request log-migration from <old_LC_serial_number> old-disk-pair <log_disk_pair> to <new_LC_serial_number> new-disk-pair <log_disk_pair>
For example:admin> request log-migration from 003001000010 old-disk-pair A to 00300100038 new-disk-pair A
- Commit the changes to Panorama.
admin> configure admin# commit
- Reconfigure the Collector Group.
- Log in to the Panorama Web Interface of the new
M-Series appliance to assign the new Log Collector
to the firewalls that forward logs (PanoramaCollector GroupsDevice Log Forwarding).
Give the new Log Collector the same priority in the firewall preference
lists as the old Log Collector.You cannot use the CLI change the priority assignments of firewall preference lists.
- Access the Panorama CLI of the new M-Series appliance.
- Delete the old Log Collector from the Collector Group.
admin# delete log-collector-group <group_name> logfwd-setting collectors <old_LC_serial_number>
For example:admin# delete log-collector-group DC-Collector-Group logfwd-setting collectors 003001000010
- Delete the old Log Collector from the Panorama configuration
and commit your changes to Panorama.
admin# delete log-collector <old_LC_serial_number> admin# commit admin# exit
- Commit the Collector Group changes so that the managed
firewalls can send logs to the new Log Collector.
admin> commit-all log-collector-config log-collector-group <collector_group_name>
For example:admin> commit-all log-collector-config log-collector-group DC-Collector-Group
- Log in to the Panorama Web Interface of the new
M-Series appliance to assign the new Log Collector
to the firewalls that forward logs (PanoramaCollector GroupsDevice Log Forwarding).
Give the new Log Collector the same priority in the firewall preference
lists as the old Log Collector.
- Generate new keys on the new Log Collector.This command is required in order to add the new Log Collector to the Collector Group and should only be run for the Collector Group of the Log Collector being replaced. This step deletes the existing RSA keys and allows Panorama to create new RSA keys.
- Access the Panorama CLI of the new M-Series appliance.
- Delete all RSA keys on the new Log Collector:request logdb update-collector-group-after-replacecollector-group <collector-group-name>The process can take up to 10 minutes to completed.
- Confirm that SearchEngine Status is Active for all Log
Collectors in the Collector Group.Do not continue until SearchEngine Status is Active for all Log Collectors in the Collector Group. This will result in purging of logs from the Log Collector being replaced.
- Access the Panorama CLI of the new M-Series appliance.
- Show the Log Collector details by running the following
commands either:
- On Panorama for all Log Collectors:show log-collector all
Alternatively, you can run the following command on each Dedicated Log Collector:show log-collector detail - Confirm that SearchEngine Status is Active.
Redistribution status: none
Last commit-all: commit succeeded, current ring version 1
SearchEngine status: Active
md5sum 4e5055a359f7662fab8f8c4f57e24525 updated at 2017/06/14 09:58:19
- On the
new Log Collector, replace previous Log Collector serial number
with the new Log Collector serial number.You must replace the old Log Collector serial number with the new Log Collector serial number so that the new Log Collector will not run in to purging issues, resulting in the Log Collector being unable to purge old data from the migrated logs when necessary.
- Access the Log Collector CLI.
- Replace old Log Collector serial number with new Log
Collector serial number:request log-migration-update-logger from <old-log-collector-serial-number> to <new-log-collector-serial-number>
- Set up the new secondary Panorama high availability peer.
- Forward any logs on the SSD of the old M-Series appliance to an external destination if you want to preserve them.
- Remove the RAID disks from the old M-Series appliance.
- Perform initial setup of the new M-Series appliance.
- Insert the disks into the new M-Series appliance.
- Repeat Steps 7through16to migrate the logs from the old M-Series appliance to the new M-Series appliance.
- Set Up HA on Panorama. The new M-Series appliance must have the same priority as the HA peer you are replacing.
- Log in to the Panorama Web Interface of the primary HA peer and click DashboardHigh AvailabilitySync to peer to synchronize the configuration of the M-Series appliance HA peers.