ZTP Configuration Elements
Table of Contents
10.0 (EoL)
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- Determine Panorama Log Storage Requirements
- Setup Prerequisites for the Panorama Virtual Appliance
- Perform Initial Configuration of the Panorama Virtual Appliance
- Set Up The Panorama Virtual Appliance as a Log Collector
- Set Up the Panorama Virtual Appliance with Local Log Collector
- Set up a Panorama Virtual Appliance in Panorama Mode
- Set up a Panorama Virtual Appliance in Management Only Mode
- Preserve Existing Logs When Adding Storage on Panorama Virtual Appliance in Legacy Mode
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on an ESXi Server
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on vCloud Air
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on Alibaba Cloud
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on AWS
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on Azure
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on Google Cloud Platform
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on Hyper-V
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on KVM
- Add a Virtual Disk to Panorama on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
- Mount the Panorama ESXi Server to an NFS Datastore
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on an ESXi Server
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on vCloud Air
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on Alibaba Cloud
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on AWS
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on Azure
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on Google Cloud Platform
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on Hyper-V
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on KVM
- Increase CPUs and Memory for Panorama on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
- Complete the Panorama Virtual Appliance Setup
- Convert Your Evaluation Panorama to a Production Panorama with Local Log Collector
- Convert Your Evaluation Panorama to a Production Panorama without Local Log Collector
- Convert Your Evaluation Panorama to VM-Flex Licensing with Local Log Collector
- Convert Your Evaluation Panorama to VM-Flex Licensing without Local Log Collector
- Convert Your Production Panorama to an ELA Panorama
- Register Panorama
- Activate a Panorama Support License
- Activate/Retrieve a Firewall Management License when the Panorama Virtual Appliance is Internet-connected
- Activate/Retrieve a Firewall Management License when the Panorama Virtual Appliance is not Internet-connected
- Activate/Retrieve a Firewall Management License on the M-Series Appliance
- Install the Panorama Device Certificate
- Panorama, Log Collector, Firewall, and WildFire Version Compatibility
- Install Updates for Panorama in an HA Configuration
- Install Updates for Panorama with an Internet Connection
- Install Updates for Panorama When Not Internet-Connected
- Install Updates Automatically for Panorama without an Internet Connection
- Migrate Panorama Logs to the New Log Format
- Migrate from a Panorama Virtual Appliance to an M-Series Appliance
- Migrate a Panorama Virtual Appliance to a Different Hypervisor
- Migrate from an M-Series Appliance to a Panorama Virtual Appliance
- Migrate from an M-100 Appliance to an M-500 Appliance
- Migrate from an M-100 or M-500 Appliance to an M-200 or M-600 Appliance
- Configure an Admin Role Profile
- Configure an Access Domain
- Configure a Panorama Administrator Account
- Configure Local or External Authentication for Panorama Administrators
- Configure a Panorama Administrator with Certificate-Based Authentication for the Web Interface
- Configure an Administrator with SSH Key-Based Authentication for the CLI
- Configure RADIUS Authentication for Panorama Administrators
- Configure TACACS+ Authentication for Panorama Administrators
- Configure SAML Authentication for Panorama Administrators
- Add a Firewall as a Managed Device
- Add a Device Group
- Create a Device Group Hierarchy
- Create Objects for Use in Shared or Device Group Policy
- Revert to Inherited Object Values
- Manage Unused Shared Objects
- Manage Precedence of Inherited Objects
- Move or Clone a Policy Rule or Object to a Different Device Group
- Push a Policy Rule to a Subset of Firewalls
- Manage the Rule Hierarchy
- Manage the Master Key from Panorama
- Redistribute Data to Managed Firewalls
- Add Standalone WildFire Appliances to Manage with Panorama
- Remove a WildFire Appliance from Panorama Management
- Configure a Cluster and Add Nodes on Panorama
- Configure General Cluster Settings on Panorama
- Remove a Cluster from Panorama Management
- Configure Appliance-to-Appliance Encryption Using Predefined Certificates Centrally on Panorama
- Configure Appliance-to-Appliance Encryption Using Custom Certificates Centrally on Panorama
- View WildFire Cluster Status Using Panorama
- Upgrade a Cluster Centrally on Panorama with an Internet Connection
- Upgrade a Cluster Centrally on Panorama without an Internet Connection
- Manage Licenses on Firewalls Using Panorama
- Supported Updates
- Schedule a Content Update Using Panorama
- Upgrade Log Collectors When Panorama Is Internet-Connected
- Upgrade Log Collectors When Panorama Is Not Internet-Connected
- Upgrade Firewalls When Panorama Is Internet-Connected
- Upgrade Firewalls When Panorama Is Not Internet-Connected
- Upgrade a ZTP Firewall
- Revert Content Updates from Panorama
- Preview, Validate, or Commit Configuration Changes
- Enable Automated Commit Recovery
- Compare Changes in Panorama Configurations
- Manage Locks for Restricting Configuration Changes
- Add Custom Logos to Panorama
- Use the Panorama Task Manager
- Reboot or Shut Down Panorama
- Configure Panorama Password Profiles and Complexity
- Verify Panorama Port Usage
- Resolve Zero Log Storage for a Collector Group
- Replace a Failed Disk on an M-Series Appliance
- Replace the Virtual Disk on an ESXi Server
- Replace the Virtual Disk on vCloud Air
- Migrate Logs to a New M-Series Appliance in Log Collector Mode
- Migrate Logs to a New M-Series Appliance in Panorama Mode
- Migrate Logs to a New M-Series Appliance Model in Panorama Mode in High Availability
- Migrate Logs to the Same M-Series Appliance Model in Panorama Mode in High Availability
- Migrate Log Collectors after Failure/RMA of Non-HA Panorama
- Regenerate Metadata for M-Series Appliance RAID Pairs
- View Log Query Jobs
- Troubleshoot Commit Failures
- Troubleshoot Registration or Serial Number Errors
- Troubleshoot Reporting Errors
- Troubleshoot Device Management License Errors
- Troubleshoot Automatically Reverted Firewall Configurations
- Complete Content Update When Panorama HA Peer is Down
- View Task Success or Failure Status
- Downgrade from Panorama 10.0
End-of-Life (EoL)
ZTP Configuration Elements
ZTP configuration elements interrelate to simply on-boarding
of ZTP managed firewalls.
The following elements work together
to allow you to quickly on-board newly deployed ZTP firewalls by
automatically adding them to the Panorama management server using
the ZTP service.
- ZTP Plugin—The ZTP plugin allows Panorama to connect to the ZTP service and claim a ZTP firewall for simplified on-boarding.
- Customer Support Portal (CSP)—The Palo Alto Networks Customer Support Portal is used to register your Panorama to connect to the CSP to automatically register newly added ZTP firewalls.
- One-time Password (OTP)—A one-time password provided by Palo Alto Networks used to retrieve and install a certificate on Panorama for it to communicate with the CSP and ZTP service.
- Installer—An administrator user created using the installeradmin admin role for ZTP firewall on-boarding. This admin user has limited access to the Panorama web interface, only allowing access to enter the ZTP firewall serial number and claim key to register firewalls on the CSP and Panorama. The installer admin can be created on Panorama or created using remote authentication such as RADIUS, SAML, or TACACS+.
- Claim Key—Eight digit numeric key physically attached to the ZTP firewall used to register the ZTP firewall with the CSP.
- To-SW-Version—Designate the PAN-OS software version of the ZTP firewall (PanoramaManaged DevicesSummary). Select the target PAN-OS release, and if the firewall is running an earlier release than the indicated version, the firewall begins an upgrade loop until the target release is successfully installed.Panorama can only manage firewalls running a PAN-OS release equal to or less than that installed on the Panorama.
After you successfully install the ZTP plugin
on Panorama and register Panorama
with the ZTP service, the ZTP on boarding process continues
as follows:
- Installer or IT administrator registers ZTP firewalls by adding them to Panorama using the firewall serial number and claim key.
- Panorama registers the firewalls with the CSP. After the firewalls are successfully registered, the firewall is associated with the same ZTP tenant as the Panorama in the ZTP service.ZTP firewalls successfully registered with the ZTP service are automatically added as managed firewalls (PanoramaManaged Devices) on Panorama.
- When the firewall connects to the Internet, the ZTP firewall requests a device certificate from the CSP in order to connect to the ZTP service.
- The ZTP service pushes the Panorama IP or FQDN to the ZTP firewalls.
- The ZTP firewalls connect to Panorama and the device group and template configurations are pushed from Panorama to the ZTP firewalls.