: Save and Export Panorama and Firewall Configurations

Save and Export Panorama and Firewall Configurations

Table of Contents

Save and Export Panorama and Firewall Configurations

Saving a backup of the candidate configuration to persistent storage on Panorama enables you to later restore that backup (see Revert Panorama Configuration Changes). Additionally, Panorama allows you to save and export the device group, template, and template stack configurations that you specify. This is useful for preserving changes that would otherwise be lost if a system event or administrator action causes Panorama to reboot. After rebooting, Panorama automatically reverts to the current version of the running configuration, which Panorama stores in a file named
. Saving backups is also useful if you want to revert to a Panorama configuration that is earlier than the current running configuration. Panorama does not automatically save the candidate configuration to persistent storage. You must manually save the candidate configuration as a default snapshot file (
) or as a custom-named snapshot file. Panorama stores the snapshot file locally but you can export it to an external host.
You don’t have to save a configuration backup to revert the changes made since the last commit or reboot; just select
Revert Changes
(see Revert Panorama Configuration Changes).
Palo Alto Networks recommends that you back up any important configurations to an external host.
  1. Save changes to the candidate configuration.
    • To overwrite the default snapshot file (
      ) with all the changes that all administrators made, perform one of the following steps:
      • Select
        Save candidate Panorama configuration
      • Log in to Panorama with an administrative account that is assigned the Superuser role or an Admin Role profile with the
        Save For Other Admins
        privilege enabled. Then select
        Save Changes
        at the top of the web interface, select
        Save All Changes
    • To overwrite the default snapshot (
      ) with changes made by administrators to specific device group, template, or template stack configurations:
      1. Select
        Save candidate Panorama configuration
        , and
        Select Device Group & Templates
      2. Select the specific device groups, templates, or template stacks to revert.
      3. Click
        to confirm the operation.
      4. (
        ) Select
        Commit to Panorama
        your changes to overwrite the running configuration with the snapshot.
    • To create a snapshot that includes all the changes that all administrators made but without overwriting the default snapshot file:
      1. Select
        Save named Panorama configuration snapshot
      2. Specify the
        of a new or existing configuration file.
      3. Click
    • To save only specific changes to the candidate configuration without overwriting any part of the default snapshot file:
      1. Log in to Panorama with an administrative account that has the role privileges required to save the desired changes.
      2. Select
        Save Changes
        at the top of the web interface.
      3. Select
        Save Changes Made By
      4. To filter the Save Scope by administrator, click
        , select the administrators, and click
      5. To filter the Save Scope by location, clear any locations that you want to exclude. The locations can be specific device groups, templates, Collector Groups, Log Collectors, shared settings, or the Panorama management server.
      6. Click
        , specify the
        of a new or existing configuration file, and click
    • To save a specific device group, template, or template stack configuration:
      1. Select
        Save named Panorama configuration snapshot
        , and
        Select Device Group & Templates
      2. Select the specific device groups, templates, or template stacks to save.
      3. Click
        to confirm the operation.
  2. Export a candidate or running configuration to a host external to Panorama or to a firewall.
    You can schedule daily exports to an SCP or FTP server (see Schedule Export of Configuration Files) or export configurations on demand. To export on demand, select
    and select one of the following options:
    • Export named Panorama configuration snapshot
      —Export the current running configuration, a named candidate configuration snapshot, or a previously imported configuration (candidate or running). Panorama exports the configuration as an XML file with the
      you specify.
      Select Device Group & Templates
      to specify the device group, template, or template stack configurations to export.
    • Export Panorama configuration version
      —Select a
      of the running configuration to export as an XML file.
      Select Device Group & Templates
      to specify the device group, template, or template stack configurations to export as an XML file.
    • Export Panorama and devices config bundle
      —Generate and export the latest version of the running configuration backup of Panorama and of each managed firewall. To automate the process of creating and exporting the configuration bundle daily to a Secure Copy (SCP) or FTP server, see Schedule Export of Configuration Files.
    • Export or push device config bundle
      —After you import a firewall configuration into Panorama, Panorama creates a firewall configuration bundle named <firewall_name>_import.tgz, in which all local policies and objects are removed. You can then
      Export or push device config bundle
      to perform one of the following actions:
      • Push & Commit
        the configuration bundle to the firewall to remove any local configuration from it, enabling you to manage the firewall from Panorama.
      • Export
        the configuration to the firewall without loading it. When you are ready to load the configuration, log in to the firewall CLI and run the configuration mode command
        load device-state
        . This command cleans the firewall in the same way as the
        Push & Commit
    The full procedure to Transition a Firewall to Panorama Management requires additional steps.

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