All Remote Network Sites
The (Number of) Total Sites table displays an overview of all sites. The
following table shows data when aggregate bandwidth is deployed. Each site has a
primary and a secondary (or backup) tunnel configured. If both tunnels are up,
shown in the Tunnels (Current) column, the Site Status
says Up and shows a green circle. If only one tunnel is
up, the status is Warning with a yellow dot, and if both
tunnels are down, the status is Down with a red dot.
To view in-depth data about a specific remote network site, select
a Site Name to see tunnel bandwidth, round-trip
time (RTT), connectivity, and consumption trends about the site
you chose. Hover over the graphs to see details about the tunnel
bandwidth and RTT at that specific time.
The remote networks RTT graph shows the average RTT trend over the IPsec tunnel originating from
an remote network to its Prisma Access IPSec termination node. RTT,
expressed in milliseconds, measures the time taken to initiate a network request
from an originating source and receive the corresponding network response from
the target destination. RTT values can range from tens of milliseconds to
hundreds of milliseconds, with higher RTT values indicating link degradation
conditions resulting in degraded application experience for remote network
users. The RTT metric depends on factors such as propagation delay, queuing
delay, encoding delay, processing delay, and so on, of which the propagation
delay is generally considered the most significant. Depending on the
connectivity service offered by a service provider to your branch locations, the
propagation delay reflects delays in the path, very often the Internet, from
your branches to Prisma Access.
You can use the data in this graph to learn about RN tunnel connectivity
performance and the RTT metric variability over time. When you view
this data over a period of time, you may notice established patterns
that can be flagged as normal or anomalous, therefore requiring
further investigation and possible remediation.
Select a Compute Location from the Total Sites table
to open the IPSec Termination Node Utilization Details window,
which displays the bandwidth consumption details of each Security
Processing Node (SPN) in the site.