Monitor Your Remote Networks

Monitor Your Remote Networks

Table of Contents

Monitor Your Remote Networks

Prisma Access for remote networks simplifies the configuration and management of endpoints, ensuring users are always connected and secure.
Prisma Access for remote networks removes the complexity of configuring and managing endpoints at every site. Add new sites and minimize operational challenges with ensuring that users at these locations are always connected and secure. The Remote Networks dashboard gives you a bird’s eye view (of health, connectivity of your Remote Networks, and the usage) of all your Remote Networks deployed in different Prisma Access locations. It shows you the real-time connectivity status and bandwidth consumption details, along with other deployment details. Mobile Users, branch offices, and retail locations connect to Remote Networks.

View the Health of Your Remote Networks

The Remote Networks > Monitoring Summary tab shows a summary of the health of your Remote Networks, such as top open alerts, Prisma Access Location status, site and tunnels status, and bandwidth utilization.

Top 5 Open Alerts by Severity

View the top five most severe alerts that are still open. Select any alert to view its context or select View All RN User Alerts to view all Remote Networks alerts from the Alerts dashboard. This widget is empty when your system is healthy and there are no alerts to display.

Deployed Prisma Access Locations

View the location of all the Remote Network sites and their connectivity status in real time. You can see the status where they are deployed around the world. You can hover over an icon to see the number of offices connected and the number of Remote Networks nodes that are up, down, in a warning state, or have an unknown status.

Site and Tunnel Status

You can see the Remote Network sites and the tunnels associated with them. The number of sites are typically less than the number of tunnels, because a site can have multiple tunnels associated with it. You can also see which sites or tunnels are up, down, warning, inactive, or not available. The following status are supported:
  • Up—the tunnel is up
  • Down—the tunnel is down
  • Init—the tunnel is in the init state
  • Inactive—this status indicates one of the following:
    • The tunnel was removed from the configuration and therefore you cannot get the tunnel status
    • No tunnel status was reported for four consecutive minutes
  • Not available—The tunnel is in the init state or did not get initiated after configuration.
  • Warning—The site is up, but one or more tunnels associated with it is down.

Top 5 Most Active Prisma Access Locations

Monitor the Prisma Access locations that have the most bandwidth consumption for your remote networks. See the trends of their bandwidth consumptions in a graph. Hover your cursor over the trend lines to see details of your bandwidth consumption at a specific time or view the peaks and lows to better estimate the bandwidth capacity for your environment. Select the location from the legend to isolate its status on the trend line.

Top 5 Sites Approaching Max. Available Bandwidth

View the sites that are approaching their maximum allocated bandwidth and therefore need your attention. You can see at a glance which site is about to reach the maximum bandwidth based on its bandwidth allocation, so that you can plan for additional capacity if needed. As a follow-up action, you could direct these sites to other SPN nodes or provide additional bandwidth capacity for these sites. Hover your cursor over the trend graph to see the bandwidth consumption for the site in Mbps. The bandwidth is reflected in percentages.

Top 5 Sites Trends with Peak Bandwidth Utilization Over Time

This widget shows you the trends in the bandwidth consumption by the top five sites. When you hover over the trend graph, it shows you bandwidth in Mbps.

View Connectivity Status of All Deployed Remote Networks

The Remote Networks > Map View tab gives you an overview of the connectivity status of all the Prisma Access Locations where remote networks are deployed. Selecting a marker in the map gives you an overview of the health and consumption metrics in detail. Drill into each of the locations on the map to get a better understanding of the current health of your networks and connectivity over time.
The inverted triangles on the map are color-coded to indicate Prisma Access location status:
  • Green: All instances are up.
  • Red: All instances are down.
  • Yellow: Instances are a combination of up, down, and unknown, and may require your attention.
  • Gray: All instances are unknown.

See Remote Network Site Details

The Remote Networks > Site List tab lists all your Remote Network sites and their details.

Status Distribution

View the number of sites configured to your Remote Networks and their real-time status. The widget is color-coded to display the severity of the status. Click a color on the circle to filter the Site list table below. For example, clicking on the yellow portion filters the list to display all sites that have a warning status along with the details associated with the status. Click again to remove the filter. By default, the table displays the status for all sites and locations. Select a site name to drill down specifically into that site.

Bandwidth Consumption Over Time

View Aggregate Bandwidth Consumption trends across all Remote Networks. The average tunnel bandwidth is computed as an average across all sites, while the peak is reported as a peak value seen at any site and is not aggregated. To see the trend chart for a single location or site, select an option from the filter at the top left corner of the page:
  • Prisma Access Location or Compute Location: The average across all the sites in a location and the peak value for any site in the location.
  • Site: The average and peak bandwidth observed for the site.

All Remote Network Sites

The (Number of) Total Sites table displays an overview of all sites. The following table shows data when aggregate bandwidth is deployed. Each site has a primary and a secondary (or backup) tunnel configured. If both tunnels are up, shown in the Tunnels (Current) column, the Site Status says Up and shows a green circle. If only one tunnel is up, the status is Warning with a yellow dot, and if both tunnels are down, the status is Down with a red dot.
To view in-depth data about a specific remote network site, select a Site Name to see tunnel bandwidth, round-trip time (RTT), connectivity, and consumption trends about the site you chose. Hover over the graphs to see details about the tunnel bandwidth and RTT at that specific time.
The remote networks RTT graph shows the average RTT trend over the IPsec tunnel originating from an remote network to its Prisma Access IPSec termination node. RTT, expressed in milliseconds, measures the time taken to initiate a network request from an originating source and receive the corresponding network response from the target destination. RTT values can range from tens of milliseconds to hundreds of milliseconds, with higher RTT values indicating link degradation conditions resulting in degraded application experience for remote network users. The RTT metric depends on factors such as propagation delay, queuing delay, encoding delay, processing delay, and so on, of which the propagation delay is generally considered the most significant. Depending on the connectivity service offered by a service provider to your branch locations, the propagation delay reflects delays in the path, very often the Internet, from your branches to Prisma Access.
You can use the data in this graph to learn about RN tunnel connectivity performance and the RTT metric variability over time. When you view this data over a period of time, you may notice established patterns that can be flagged as normal or anomalous, therefore requiring further investigation and possible remediation.
Select a Compute Location from the Total Sites table to open the IPSec Termination Node Utilization Details window, which displays the bandwidth consumption details of each Security Processing Node (SPN) in the site.