Upgrade Or Downgrade Considerations in Release 5.5.1

Upgrade Or Downgrade Considerations in Release 5.5.1

Table of Contents

Upgrade Or Downgrade Considerations in Release 5.5.1

The following table lists the new features that have upgrade or downgrade impact. Make sure you understand all upgrade/downgrade considerations before you upgrade to or downgrade from Prisma SD-WAN release 5.5.
For additional information on Prisma SD-WAN release 5.5, refer to the Prisma SD-WAN.
FeatureUpgrade ConsiderationsDowngrade Considerations
Virtual ION on ESXi
When you deploy a new instance of the virtual ION device on ESXi with v5.5.1, the default driver is vmxnet3.
When you upgrade the virtual ION from 5.2.x or 5.4.x to 5.5.1, the default driver is retained as e1000.
If you change the driver from e1000 to vmxnet3 (which is supported as the default on 5.5.1) by removing and adding interfaces after powering off the VM, the interface ordering will need to be corrected.
For virtual ION devices deployed on ESXi that are launched with the 5.5.1 ova image, you cannot downgrade to an earlier version.
The downgrade is not supported because the default driver in v5.5.1 is vmxnet3 and was e1000 for the earlier versions.