Flow Detail

Flow Detail

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Flow Detail

Lets learn more about the flow details table in the Prisma SD-WAN activity tab.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • Active Prisma SD-WAN license
The Flow Detail provides information on the following attributes of the flow:
Flow Decision Bitmap Lists the decisions taken for the flow as it was processed.
Source IP (Port) Source IP and port of the flow origin (depending on the direction of the flow).
Destination IP (Port)Destination IP and port of the destined address of the flow (depending on the direction of the flow).
Application NameName of the application for a particular flow or transaction.
Application CategoryApplication category for the flow.
Alt ApplicationAlternate application is usually the parent application.
Security Policy RuleSecurity policy rule(s) that are applied for the flow.
Source ZoneSource zone (Zone Based Firewall) for the flow.
Destination ZoneDestination zone for the flow.
ActionAction taken to allow or deny the policy rule applied for the flow.
Path Policy SetPath policy set used for the flow.
Path Policy RulePath policy rule used for the flow.
Path Network ContextPath policy context used for the flow.
Path Source Prefix Path source prefix used for the flow.
Path Destination PrefixPath destination prefix used for the flow.
QoS Policy SetQoS policy set used for the flow.
QoS Policy RuleQoS policy rule used for the flow.
QoS Network ContextQoS network context used for the flow.
QoS Source PrefixQoS source prefix used for the flow.
QoS Destination PrefixQoS destination prefix used for the flow.
Protocol Protocol detected for that particular flow.
Chosen WAN PathWAN path chosen for that particular flow.
EndpointEndpoint for the flow.
Traffic TypeTraffic type such as transactional, bulk, rt-audio or rt-video.
Priority ClassPriority Class as defined by the Priority Policy.
Flow DirectionFlow direction at the start of transaction.
Start TimeTime when the first packet in this flow was detected.
Last ActivityTime of the flow when the last packet was detected.
New Flow First record for this flow that was detected in the current time window.
PacketsNumber of packets exchanged between client and server.
BytesNumber of bytes exchanged between client and server.
DSCP Fields Seen (LAN > WAN)DSCP markings seen between LAN-to-WAN that is used to change the priority of the packets as they traverse the network.
DSCP Fields Seen (WAN > LAN)DSCP markings seen between WAN-to-LAN that is used to change the priority of the packets as they traverse the network.
OOO PacketsOut of order packets from the client to a server and the server to a client.
SACK PacketsSelective acknowledgment of the packets.
Retransmit PacketsNumber of TCP retransmit packets.
Retransmit BytesNumber of TCP retransmit bytes.
RSTNumber of TCP reset packets sent.
SYNNumber of TCP SYN packets sent.
FINNumber of TCP FIN packets sent.
VLANDisplays the VLAN used for the flow.
average_rttAverage round trip time calculated.
average_srtAverage server response time.
average_pgAverage inter-packet gap (a measure of network congestion and packet loss) calculated.
init_successIndicates if the TCP session initiation was successful.
max_rttMaximum round trip time detected.
max_srtMaximum server response time at the application level.
max_pgMaximum inter-packet gap (a measure of network congestion and packet loss) detected.
min_rttMinimum round trip time detected.
min_srtMinimum server response time at the application level.
min_pgMinimum inter-packet gap (a measure of network congestion and packet loss) detected.
success_transactionsNumber of successful transactions.