Share a License for Prisma Access FedRAMP High "In Process" Multitenant Through Common Services

Share a License for Multitenant Cloud-managed Prisma Access FedRAMP

Table of Contents

Share a License for
Prisma Access
FedRAMP High "In Process" Multitenant Through
Common Services

Learn how to share your
Prisma Access
tenants through
Common Services
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • FedRAMP High "In Process"
  • Cloud-managed
    Prisma Access
  • FedRAMP
    Prisma Access
    license with optional add-ons
  • Gov
    Strata Logging Service
  • Gov Region
  • Role: Multitenant Superuser or Superuser with access to the FedRAMP Customer Support Portal (CSP) account
All tenants created using a shared license need to be deployed with the 10.1.3 or later dataplane version and Prisma Access 3.2 Innovation or later version. Open a support case to request the migration of your tenant from the default 10.0.8 dataplane to the 10.1.3 or later dataplane version.
During your
Prisma Access
license activation, you can choose how to allocate the
Prisma Access
license. If you choose the option to
Allocate part of this license to this tenant
, then you can share a license between tenants. The shared quantity needs to be decided prior to activation and cannot be modified after activation.
You can see your licenses available for sharing from
Common Services
Subscriptions & Add-ons
. There are various ways to access
Common Services
, but only one is described here.
  1. Select
    Multitenant Portal
  2. Select
    Tenants and Services
  3. Select
    Subscriptions & Add-ons
  4. In your
    Approved Subscriptions
    , you can see the remaining quantity of licenses for your contract number and tenant.
  5. Use this contract number to activate the remaining license quantity on another tenant. The activation process is similar whether you allocate part of a license or allocate a whole license.
  6. (
    ) To share add-ons such as Autonomous Digital Experience Management (ADEM), Service Connection, and Location add-on, the select/deselect checkbox is available for toggle only if you have chosen to allocate part of the
    Prisma Access
    When using
    to allocate licensed products, a previously deselected add-on can be selected. However, a previously selected add-on with a quantity allocated cannot be deselected.

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