Upgrade a Cluster Locally with an Internet Connection
Advanced WildFire Powered by Precision AI™

Upgrade a Cluster Locally with an Internet Connection

Table of Contents

Upgrade a Cluster Locally with an Internet Connection

Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • WildFire Appliance
  • WildFire License
To upgrade a cluster locally, you must individually upgrade each WildFire appliance enrolled in a cluster. When an appliance finishes upgrading, it automatically re-enrolls into the cluster that it was originally assigned to.
  1. Temporarily suspend sample analysis.
    1. Stop firewalls from forwarding any new samples to the WildFire appliance.
      1. Log in to the firewall web interface.
      2. Select Device > Setup > WildFire and edit General Settings.
      3. Clear the WildFire Private Cloud field.
      4. Click OK and Commit.
    2. Confirm that analysis for samples the firewalls already submitted to the appliance is complete:
      admin@WF-500(passive-controller)> show
      wildfire latest samples
      If you do not want to wait for the WildFire appliance to finish analyzing recently-submitted samples, you can continue to the next step. However, consider that the WildFire appliance then drops pending samples from the analysis queue.
  2. Install the latest WildFire appliance content update. This update equips the appliance with the latest threat information to accurately detect malware.
    This process can take up to 6 hours or more on older appliances.
    1. Verify that you are running the latest content update on your WildFire appliance.
      admin@WF-500> request wf-content upgrade check
    2. Download the latest WildFire content update package.
      admin@WF-500> request
      wf-content upgrade download latest
      If you do not have direct connectivity to the Palo Alto Networks Update Server, you can download and Install WildFire Content Updates from an SCP-Enabled Server.
    3. View the status of the download.
      admin@WF-500> show jobs all
    4. After the download is complete, install the update.
      admin@WF-500> request
      wf-content upgrade install version latest
  3. (Required when upgrading to PAN-OS 10.2.2) Upgrade the VM images on the WildFire appliance.
    1. Log in and access the Palo Alto Networks Customer Support Portal Software Download Page. You can also manually navigate to the software download page from the Support homepage by going to UpdatesSoftware Updates.
    2. From the software updates page, select WF-500 Guest VM Images and download the following VM image files:
      Palo Alto Networks periodically updates the VM image files; as a result, the specific filename changes based on the version that is available. Be sure to download the latest version, whereby the m-x.x.x in the filename indicates the release number; additionally, there is a release date that can be cross-referenced to help determine the latest version.
      • WFWinXpAddon3_m-1.0.1.xpaddon3
      • WFWinXpGf_m-1.0.1.xpgf
      • WFWin7_64Addon1_m-
      • WFWin10Base_m-
    3. Upload the VM images to the WildFire appliance.
      1. Import the VM image from the SCP server:
        admin@WF-500>scp import wildfire-vm-image from <username@ip_address>/<folder_name>/<vm_image_filename>									
        For example:
        admin@WF-500>scp import wildfire-vm-image from user1@									
      2. To check the status of the download, use the following command:
        admin@WF-500>show jobs all
      3. Repeat for the remaining VM images.
    4. Install the VM image.
      1. admin@WF-500>request system wildfire-vm-image upgrade install file <vm_image_filename>
      2. Repeat for the remaining VM images.
    5. Confirm that the VM images have been properly installed and enabled on the WildFire appliance.
      1. (Optional) View a list of available virtual machines images:
        admin@WF-500> show wildfire vm-images
        The output displays the available VM images.
      2. Commit the configuration:
        admin@WF-500# commit
      3. View the active VM image by running the following command:
        admin@WF-500> show wildfire status
  4. Verify that the WildFire appliance software version you want to install is available.
    admin@WF-500(passive-controller)> request
    system software check
  5. Download the PAN-OS 10.2.2 software version to the WildFire appliance.
    You cannot skip any major release version when upgrading the WildFire appliance. For example, if you want to upgrade from PAN-OS 6.1 to PAN-OS 7.1, you must first download and install PAN-OS 7.0. The examples in this procedure demonstrate how to upgrade to PAN-OS 10.2.2. Replace 10.2.2 with the appropriate target release for your upgrade.
    Download the 10.2.2 software version.
    admin@WF-500(passive-controller)> request
    system software download version 10.2.2
    To check the status of the download, use the following command
    admin@WF-500(passive-controller)> show
    jobs all
  6. Confirm that all services are running.
    admin@WF-500(passive-controller)> show
    system software status
  7. Install the 10.2.2 software version.
    admin@WF-500(passive-controller)> request
    system software install version 10.2
  8. Complete the software upgrade.
    1. Confirm that the upgrade is complete. Run the following command and look for the job type Install and status FIN:
      admin@WF-500(passive-controller)> show
      jobs all
      Enqueued Dequeued ID Type Status Result Completed
      14:53:15 14:53:15 5 Install FIN    OK   14:53:19
    2. Gracefully restart the appliance:
      admin@WF-500(passive-controller)> request
      cluster reboot-local-node
      The upgrade process could take 10 minutes or over an hour, depending on the number of samples stored on the WildFire appliance.
  9. Repeat steps 1-8 for each WildFire worker node in the cluster.
  10. (Optional) View the status of the reboot tasks on the WildFire controller node.
    On the WildFire cluster controller, run the following command and look for the job type Install and Status FIN:
    admin@WF-500(active-controller)> show
    cluster task pending
  11. Check that the WildFire appliance is ready to resume sample analysis.
    1. Verify that the sw-version field shows the upgraded release version:
      admin@WF-500(passive-controller)> show
      system info | match sw-version
    2. Confirm that all processes are running:
      admin@WF-500(passive-controller)> show
      system software status
    3. Confirm that the auto-commit (AutoCom) job is complete:
      admin@WF-500(passive-controller)> show
      jobs all
    4. Confirm that data migration has successfully completed. Run show cluster data-migration-status to view the progress of the database merge. After the data merge is complete the completion timestamp displays:
      100% completed on Mon Sep 9 21:44:48 PDT 2019
      The duration of a data merge depends on the amount of data stored on the WildFire appliance. Be sure to allot at least several hours for recovery as the data merge can be a lengthy process.