Create a CN-Series HSF Deployment Profile

Create a CN-Series HSF Deployment Profile

Table of Contents

Create a CN-Series HSF Deployment Profile

Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • CN-Series HSF Firewall deployment
  • CN-Series 11.0.x or above Container Images
  • Panorama running PAN-OS 11.0.x or above version
Use the following procedure to create a CN-Series Deployment Profile.
  1. If you already have credit pool, log into the account, and from the dashboard, select AssetsSoftware NGFW CreditsPrisma NGFW CreditsCreate New Profile.
    If you have just activated a credit pool you see the Create Deployment Profile form.
    1. Select the CN-Series firewall type.
    2. Select the PAN-OS 11.0.
    3. Click Next.
  2. CN-Series profile.
    1. Profile Name.
      Name the profile.
    2. Total vCPUs.
      Enter the total number of vCPUs needed across all pods (CN-NGFW, CN-GW, and CN-DB).
    3. Select a Security Use Case from the drop-down. Each Security Use Case in the drop-down automatically selects a number of descriptions that are recommended for the chosen use case. If you select Custom, you can specify the subscriptions that you would like to use in your deployment.
    4. Select Hyperscale Security Fabric under Customize Subscriptions to enable HSF on your subscription.
    5. (optional) Use Credits to Enable VM PanoramaFor Management or Dedicated Log Collector.
  3. Click Calculate Estimated Cost to view the credit total, and the number of credits available before the deployment.