: IPSec Termination Node Logic (Panorama Managed)

IPSec Termination Node Logic (Panorama Managed)

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IPSec Termination Node Logic (Panorama Managed)

4.0.0 PIC
With the
Prisma Access
for Networks Aggregate Bandwidth model, bandwidth is assigned to a compute region within Panorama. This allows for deterministic placement of nodes and also the compute for the nodes behind a region.
Within the Remote Networks Bandwidth Allocation in Panorama, regions are configured for bandwidth that is to be allocated for that region:
If looking at 2 locations, namely US East (purple box), and Europe Central (orange box), you can see the respective bandwidth allocated for each region as shown below.
The compute instances behind a region are called the IPSec Termination Nodes, and appear when configuring a Remote Network onboarding in Panorama.

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