: Manage Your Directory Service on Data Security

Manage Your Directory Service on Data Security

Table of Contents

Manage Your Directory Service on
Data Security

Learn how to rescan, reauthenticate, or delete a directory service instance from
Data Security
When you connect your directory service to
Data Security
, you provide the identifiers and keys authorizing the service to establish a secure connection to the directory to populate your user group information.
Data Security
refreshes every 24 hours, but if there are changes to user group membership you’d like to retrieve before the automatic refresh, you can manually update your user and group information.
The directory service and
Data Security
maintain a secure connection, but sometimes you need to reauthenticate if there is a network connectivity issue or if the login credentials have changed.
To stop scanning a directory service, you can remove the connection on
Data Security
by deleting the directory service instance. Any cloud apps utilizing the subset of groups in scanning will need to be reauthenticated.
  • To refresh a directory service, go to
    Directory & External Services
    1. In the row of the directory service instance, select
    2. To begin a rescan after you successfully Refresh, Rescan a Managed Cloud App.
  • To reauthenticate a directory service, go to
    Directory & External Services
    1. In the row of the directory service instance, select
    2. Follow the same process to connect the directory service you did when you first added it. See Reauthenticate to a Cloud App for details on the required information and privileges needed to authenticate the directory service.
    3. To refresh the directory service after you successfully reauthenticate, select
  • To delete a directory service, go to
    Directory & External Services
    1. Select
      in the row that corresponds to the directory service instance you want to delete.

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