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End-of-Life (EoL)

SCTP Event Types

A guide to SCTP event types and severity levels.
The firewall generates SCTP logs when the following events occur, and these events are displayed both in the logs and on the SCTP Events widget on the
Mobile Network Activity
. With the exception of the SCTP session start and SCTP session end logs, the firewall logs other SCTP events when you Configure SCTP Security. The session start and session end logs are generated when you enable logging in Security policy rules.
The event code for all SCTP event types is 0.
SCTP Event Type
SCTP packet has failed stateful inspection
SCTP packet has failed stateful inspection
Abnormal SCTP packet with unknown chunk
Abnormal SCTP packet has failed protocol validation due to unknown chunk
Abnormal SCTP packet with invalid length
Abnormal SCTP packet has failed protocol validation due to invalid length
Abnormal SCTP packet with invalid chunk header
Abnormal SCTP packet has failed protocol validation due to invalid chunk header
SCTP multihome limit exceeded
SCTP multihome limit has been exceeded
Chunk matched by SS7 filter
SCTP data chunk matched by SS7 protocol filter
Chunk matched by SCTP filter
SCTP data chunk matched by SCTP PPID filter
Chunk matched by Diameter filter
SCTP data chunk matched by Diameter protocol filter
SCTP data chunk logging rate exceeded
SCTP data chunk log generation rate exceeded the SCTP data chunk logging rate configured in profile
SCTP association start
SCTP association start
SCTP association end
SCTP association end
SCTP control chunk
Allowed SCTP control chunk

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