With a persistent VDI, each user runs a desktop
session independently. The settings for users are typically saved
to the logical desktop while the user data is stored on a separate logical
drive. Both the settings and data remain after the user session
If utilizing a VDI machine to offload to a
local storage area, you need to make additional changes to the golden
image, including changes to the Traps service properties and the startup
and shutdown scripts.
Create a symbolic link from the machine's standard
drive to the machine's local storage each time the VDI boots.
On the golden image, run the startup script using GPO or
schedule it to run as a task or local policy.
set drivepath=D:\
set datapath=%drivepath%\ProgramData\Cyvera
set policypath=%ProgramData%\CyveraNotInUse\LocalSystem\Data\ClientPolicy.json
IF EXIST %drivepath% (
IF EXIST %ProgramData%\Cyvera (
rename %ProgramData%\Cyvera CyveraNotInUse
%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c mklink /J %ProgramData%\Cyvera %datapath% 2>&1
IF NOT EXIST %datapath% (
mkdir %datapath%
IF NOT EXIST %datapath%\Everyone\Data (
mkdir %datapath%\Everyone\Data
IF NOT EXIST %datapath%\Everyone\Temp (
mkdir %datapath%\Everyone\Temp
IF NOT EXIST %datapath%\LocalSystem (
mkdir %datapath%\LocalSystem
IF EXIST %datapath%\LocalSystem\ClientPolicy.* (
del /F %datapath%\LocalSystem\ClientPolicy.*
IF NOT EXIST %datapath%\LocalSystem\Data (
mkdir %datapath%\LocalSystem\Data
copy %policypath% %datapath%\LocalSystem\Data\ClientPolicy.json
IF NOT EXIST %datapath%\Logs (
mkdir %datapath%\Logs
IF NOT EXIST %datapath%\Prevention (
mkdir %datapath%\Prevention
IF NOT EXIST %datapath%\Quarantine (
mkdir %datapath%\Quarantine
IF NOT EXIST %datapath%\Administrators\Temp (
mkdir %datapath%\Administrators\Temp
sc start cyserver
sc start cyveraservice
net start tlaservice
To configure GPO for startup
Run gpmc.msc (Group Policy Management) on
your domain controller and then create a new GPO.
Give the GPO a meaningful name and click OK.
Right-click on the newly created GPO and select Edit.
In the left pane of the Group Policy Management Editor,
navigate to Scripts (Startup/Shutdown), and
then go to the right pane and double-click Startup.
Click Add, navigate to your
script, select your script, and click OK.
Close both Group Policy Management snap-ins.
Reset the services state before the image is sealed and
migrated into a test or production environment.
On the golden image, create a batch file using the shutdown
script and then run it.
::Stop Cyvera services
net stop CyveraService
net stop CyServer
net stop tlaservice
rd c:\ProgramData\Cyvera /q
ren c:\ProgramData\CyveraNotInUse Cyvera
net start CyveraService
net start CyServer
Configure Traps services.
Open services.msc: Click StartRun,
enter services.msc, and then press Enter.
Right-click the Traps service
and select Properties.
From the service Startup type drop-down,
select Manual.
Click Apply and OK.
Repeat the process for the Traps Dump Analyzer
Service and Traps Reporting Service.
Configure Traps for a Non-Persistent Storage Scenario
In a non-persistent storage scenario, you
must configure the Traps service dependency on the Spooler Service
(or any of the other last loading services) per the following Microsoft KB http://support.microsoft.com/kb/193888.
Open the Windows Registry and locate the CyveraService
key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\