: Onboarding Global HTTPS Load Balancer

Onboarding Global HTTPS Load Balancer

Table of Contents

Onboarding Global HTTPS Load Balancer

The Global HTTP(s) Load Balancer distributes traffic from the internet to the VM-Series firewall. Internal applications can be onboarded by creating port mappings between the backend service and VM-Series NAT policies. Here, we will onboard two separate HTTP applications using port mappings.
Before you begin, you need the following:
  • The IPs of the backend applications (i.e. app1:, app2:
  • A unique port number to map each application (i.e. app1:TCP/1000, app2:TCP/2000).
  • If you do not have an environment, use this Terraform plan to build a test bed environment.
Following are the steps to onboard the global HTTPS load balancer:
  1. Log in to your GPS console and create a health check for app1 and app2.
  2. Create a Global HTTPS Load Balancer.
  3. Create 2 frontend addresses on port TCP/80. Each frontend will map to a backend application.
  4. Create a backend service for each application. Select the corresponding names port and health check for each application.
    This is an example:
    gcloud compute instance-groups set-named-ports vmseries \ --region=us-central1 \ --named-ports=app1:1000,app2:2000 gcloud compute backend-services create app1 \ --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL_MANAGED \ --protocol=HTTP \ --port-name=app1 \ --health-checks=app1 \ --connection-draining-timeout=300 \ --global gcloud compute backend-services add-backend app1 \ --instance-group=vmseries \ --instance-group-region=us-central1 \ --balancing-mode=RATE \ --max-rate-per-instance=10000 \ --global gcloud compute backend-services create app2 \ --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL_MANAGED \ --protocol=HTTP \ --port-name=app2 \ --health-checks=app2 \ --connection-draining-timeout=300 \ --global gcloud compute backend-services add-backend app2 \ --instance-group=vmseries \ --instance-group-region=us-central1 \ --balancing-mode=RATE \ --max-rate-per-instance=10000 \ --global gcloud compute url-maps create global-https-lb \ --default-service app1 \ --global gcloud compute target-http-proxies create global-https-lb-target-proxy \ --url-map=global-https-lb \ --global-url-map \ --global gcloud compute forwarding-rules create app1 \ --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL_MANAGED \ --network-tier=PREMIUM \ --target-http-proxy=global-https-lb-target-proxy \ --ports=80 \ --global gcloud compute forwarding-rules create app2 \ --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL_MANAGED \ --network-tier=PREMIUM \ --target-http-proxy=global-https-lb-target-proxy \ --ports=80 \ --global
  5. Configure the routing rules. Set the frontend address as the host to direct traffic to each backend.
  6. On your VM-Series firewall web interface, create 2 NAT policies to map the named port to the correct destination.
Automation Example:
Here is a Terraform example that onboards a new backend service to an existing HTTP(s) load balancer. The PAN-OS Terraform provider creates a service object and NAT policy for the new service:
# Assign named port to instance group resource "google_compute_instance_group_named_port" "main" { group = var.instance_group zone = “us-central1-a” name = "app2" port = "2000" } # Create health check resource "google_compute_health_check" "main" { name = "app2" tcp_health_check { port = "2000" } } # Create backend service resource "google_compute_backend_service" "main" { name = "app2" port_name = "app2" load_balancing_scheme = "EXTERNAL_MANAGED" health_checks = [google_compute_health_check.main.self_link] backend { balancing_mode = "RATE" capacity_scaler = 1 group = var.instance_group max_rate_per_instance = "10000" } } # Create forwarding rule resource "google_compute_global_forwarding_rule" "main" { name = "app2" load_balancing_scheme = "EXTERNAL_MANAGED" port_range = "80" target = var.global_lb_self_link } # Create VM-Series service object resource "panos_service_object" "main" { name = "app2" vsys = "vsys1" protocol = "tcp" destination_port = "2000" } # Create VM-Series NAT policy resource "panos_nat_rule_group" "main" { provider = panos position_keyword = "bottom" rule { name = "app2" original_packet { source_zones = ["untrust"] destination_zone = "untrust" destination_interface = "ethernet1/1" service = panos_service_object.main.name source_addresses = ["any"] destination_addresses = ["any"] } translated_packet { source { dynamic_ip_and_port { interface_address { interface = "ethernet1/2" } } } destination { dynamic_translation { address = "<ip-address>" } } } } }