: Upgrade a ZTP Firewall

Upgrade a ZTP Firewall

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Upgrade a ZTP Firewall

Automatically upgrade your a ZTP firewall.
After you successfully add a ZTP firewall to the Panorama™ management server, configure the target PAN-OS version of the ZTP firewall. Panorama checks whether PAN-OS version installed on the ZTP firewall is greater than or equal to the configured target PAN-OS version after it successfully connects to Panorama for the first time. If the PAN-OS version installed on the ZTP firewall is less than the target PAN-OS version, then the ZTP firewall enters an upgrade cycle until target PAN-OS version is installed.
  1. Select
    Device Deployment
    Check Now
    for the latest PAN-OS releases.
  2. Select
    Managed Devices
    and select one or more ZTP firewalls.
  3. Reassociate
    the selected ZTP firewall(s).
  4. Check (enable)
    Auto Push on 1st Connect
  5. In the
    To SW Version
    column, select the target PAN-OS version for the ZTP firewall.
  6. Click
    to save your configuration changes.
  7. Select
    Commit to Panorama
  8. Power on the ZTP firewall.
    When the ZTP firewall connects to Panorama for the first time, it automatically upgrades to the PAN-OS version you selected.
    • Panorama running PAN-OS 11.0.0
      —If you are upgrading managed firewalls across PAN-OS major or maintenance releases, the intermediary PAN-OS releases on your upgrade path are installed first before the target PAN-OS release is installed.
      For example, you configured the target
      To SW Version
      for the managed firewall as PAN-OS 11.0.0 and the firewall is running PAN-OS 10.1. On first connection to Panorama, PAN-OS 10.2.0 is installed on the managed firewall first. After PAN-OS 10.2.0 successfully installs, the firewall is automatically upgraded to the target PAN-OS 11.0.0 release.
    • Panorama running PAN-OS 11.0.1 and later releases
      —If you are upgrading managed firewalls across PAN-OS major or maintenance releases, the intermediary PAN-OS major releases on your upgrade path are installed and the base PAN-OS major release is downloaded before the target PAN-OS maintenance release is installed.
      For example, you configured the target
      To SW Version
      for the managed firewall as PAN-OS 11.0.1 and the firewall is running PAN-OS 10.0. On first connection to Panorama, PAN-OS 10.1.0 and PAN-OS 10.2.0 are installed on the managed firewall. After the managed firewall reboots, PAN-OS 11.0.0 is downloaded and then the firewall automatically installs to the target PAN-OS 11.0.1 release.
  9. Verify the ZTP firewall software upgrade.
    1. Select
      Managed Devices
      and navigate to the ZTP firewall(s).
    2. Verify the
      Software Version
      column displays the correct target PAN-OS release.
  10. For all future PAN-OS upgrades, see Upgrade the Firewall to PAN-OS 11.0 from Panorama.

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