: Revert Panorama Configuration Changes

Revert Panorama Configuration Changes

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Revert Panorama Configuration Changes

When you revert changes, you are replacing settings in the current candidate configuration with settings from another configuration. Reverting changes is useful when you want to undo changes to multiple settings as a single operation instead of manually reconfiguring each setting.
You can revert pending changes that were made to the Panorama configuration since the last commit. You can revert all pending changes on Panorama or select specific device groups, templates, or template stacks. Panorama provides the option to filter the pending changes by administrator or location. The locations can be specific device groups, templates, Collector Groups, Log Collectors, shared settings, or the Panorama management server. If you saved a snapshot file for a candidate configuration that is earlier than the current running configuration (see Save and Export Panorama and Firewall Configurations), you can also revert to that candidate configuration snapshot. Reverting to a snapshot enables you to restore a candidate configuration that existed before the last commit. Panorama automatically saves a new version of the running configuration whenever you commit changes and you can restore any of those versions.
Reverting a Panorama management server configuration requires a full commit and must be performed by a superuser. Full commits are required when performing certain Panorama operations, such as reverting and loading a Panorama configuration, and are not supported for custom Admin Role profiles.
  • Revert to the current Panorama running configuration (file named running-config.xml).
    This operation undoes changes you made to the candidate configuration since the last commit.
    • To revert all the changes that all administrators made, perform one of the following steps:
      • Select PanoramaSetupOperations, Revert to running Panorama configuration, and click Yes to confirm the operation.
      • Log in to Panorama with an administrative account that is assigned the Superuser role or an Admin Role profile with the Commit For Other Admins privilege enabled. Then select ConfigRevert Changes, select Revert All Changes, and Revert.
    • To revert only specific changes to the candidate configuration:
      1. Log in to Panorama with an administrative account that has the role privileges required to revert the desired changes.
        The privileges that control commit operations also control revert operations.
      2. Select ConfigRevert Changes.
      3. Select Revert Changes Made By.
      4. To filter the Revert Scope by administrator, click <administrator-name>, select the administrators, and click OK.
      5. To filter the Revert Scope by location, clear any locations that you want to exclude.
      6. Revert the changes.
    • To revert specific device group, template, or template stack changes to the running configuration:
      1. Select PanoramaSetupOperations, Revert to running Panorama configuration, and Select Device Group & Templates.
      2. Select the specific device groups, templates, or template stacks to revert.
      3. Click OK to confirm the operation.
      4. (Optional) Select CommitCommit to Panorama and Commit your changes to overwrite the running configuration.
  • Revert to the default snapshot (.snapshots.xml) of the Panorama candidate configuration.
    • To revert all the changes that all administrators made:
      1. Select PanoramaSetupOperations and Revert to last saved Panorama configuration.
      2. Click Yes to confirm the operation.
      3. (Optional) Select CommitCommit to Panorama and Commit your changes to overwrite the running configuration with the snapshot.
    • To revert specific device group, template, or template stack changes to the running configuration:
      1. Select PanoramaSetupOperations, Revert to last saved Panorama configuration, and Select Device Group & Templates.
      2. Select the specific device groups, templates, or template stacks to revert.
      3. Click OK to confirm the operation.
      4. (Optional) To overwrite the running configuration, select CommitCommit to Panorama and Commit your changes with the snapshot.
  • Revert to a previous version of the running configuration that is stored on Panorama.
    • To revert all changes that administrators made:
      1. Select PanoramaSetupOperations, Load Panorama configuration version, and Select Device Group & Templates.
      2. Select a configuration Version and click OK.
      3. (Optional) To overwrite the running configuration with the version you just restored, select CommitCommit to Panorama and Commit your changes.
    • To revert specific device group, template, or template changes to the running configuration:
      1. Select PanoramaSetupOperations, Load Panorama configuration version, and select a configuration version Name.
      2. Select Device Group & Templates and select the specific device groups, templates, or template stacks to revert.
      3. Click OK to confirm the operation.
      4. (Optional) To overwrite the running configuration with the snapshot, select CommitCommit to Panorama and Commit your changes.
  • Revert to one of the following:
    • Custom-named version of the Panorama running configuration that you previously imported.
    • Custom-named Panorama candidate configuration snapshot (instead of the default snapshot).
    1. Select PanoramaSetupOperations, Load named Panorama configuration snapshot, and select the Name of the configuration file you just imported.
    2. (Optional) Load Shared Objects or Load Shared Policies to load all shared objects or policies. You can load all shared objects and policies, as well as load all objects and policies configured in the device groups and templates you specify in the next step.
    3. (Optional) Select Device Group & Templates, and select the specific device group, template, or template stack configurations to load. Skip this step if you want to revert the entire Panorama configuration.
    4. Click OK to confirm the operation.
    5. (Optional) To overwrite the running configuration with the snapshot, select CommitCommit to Panorama and Commit your changes.
  • Restore a Panorama running or candidate configuration that you previously exported to an external host.
    1. Select PanoramaSetupOperations, Import named Panorama configuration snapshot, Browse to the configuration file on the external host, and click OK.
    2. Load named Panorama configuration snapshot and select the Name of the configuration file you just imported.
    3. (Optional) Load Shared Objects or Load Shared Policies to load all shared objects or policies. You can load all shared objects and policies, as well as load all objects and or policies configured in the device groups and templates you specify in the next step.
    4. (Optional) Select Device Group & Templates and select the specific device group, template, or template stack configurations to load. Skip this step if you want to revert the entire Panorama configuration.
    5. Click OK to confirm the operation.
    6. (Optional) To overwrite the running configuration with the snapshot you just imported, select CommitCommit to Panorama and Commit your changes.